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Pull Notifications

Pull Notifications Concept

What are Pull Notifications?

The pull notifications are the more traditional way of receiving news through digital apps, that is, they are the ones that are shown when you request information. In digital media there are two types of notifications: push notifications and pull notifications.

The words "push" and "pull" come from English and literally mean "push" and "pull." In this way, pull notifications are those that are shown when we "pull" a web page to get information. Only then will the app send you a notification to let you know that there is new news. On the other hand, when you use push technology, you are giving the app the opportunity to update you on news at any time.

This means that, While pull technology notifies you only when you intend to, push apps will access your personal information and notify you of any news at the same time there is an update.

What are Pull Notifications for?

Pull notifications appear only when the user requests update. In this way, you can send information to users when they are interested in receiving it. This makes this tool a great way to do marketing.

The big difference between pull technology and push technology is that, in the first case, communication is made from the client to the server, that is, it is the client that requests information from the server. Push technology, on the other hand, sends information from the server to the client, that is, the server sends information at any time without the client's request.

Creating a platform with pull notifications is quite easy in fact and does not require a lot of resources or great knowledge, since it is a very simple architecture. In spite of everything, it requires a greater amount of resources from the client, both due to the fact that you depend on the user investing the time and willingness to search for news on their own, as well as the bandwidth and processing capacity. that requires the device.

Until the emergence of Blackberry mobile devices, only pull notifications were used for apps. It was this company that developed the technology they called push and that allowed the apps to inform the user of any news on their own.

Examples of Pull Notifications

Pull notifications are what they use platforms like social media and emails. When you are interested in knowing if there are new emails, you go to the website that you normally use and look for news on your own. Likewise, if you use Facebook, you will know that, to discover what news exists, you must scroll down and the updates will be loaded.

More information about Pull Notifications

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