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Instant Articles

Instant Articles Concept

What are Instant Articles?

Instant Articles, known in Spain as Instant Posts, are publications and a tool launched on the social network Facebook to facilitate access to journalistic content without the need to visit external websites or platforms. It is a relatively young function in this network, which allows users to quickly access any news and provides direct information.

To distinguish the content made and available with this new format, the publications in which they are found have a lightning bolt icon that labels them. When the user clicks on them, they go directly to the content of the post or article in question, without having to be redirected anywhere else. At the same time, they have a fairly simple and intuitive interface, which allows easy and agile reading on any device.

Despite having this peculiarity, its dissemination mechanisms remain the same as always on Facebook. Anyone can share Instant Articles with the respective option, at the same time commenting or even indicating if they like or dislike what is explained in them, as with any other publication.

At the moment, it is something available only for official media; not everyone actually has access to this feature. Little by little, the social network is expanding the circle of professionals who can have access to it so that Instant Articles become normalized and end up becoming the standard format of information on Facebook.

What are Instant Articles for?

Instant Articles are used to offer a much more comfortable way to get informed, without the need to add intermediate layers between the user and Facebook. They are a direct means of information, which does not need to leave the network to have access to the content that it offers and which at the same time makes the user experience considerably better by allowing quick reading and then continuing to browse the network. social smoothly.

A very useful tool for official media that seek to strengthen their presence on the world's largest social network, as well as something that provides greater convenience and, at the same time, prevents having to deal with annoying advertising spaces.

Instant Articles Examples

Giving examples of Instant Articles is complicated, since it requires direct access to Facebook and access through its interface. Therefore, the best recommendation that we can give for this purpose is that you enter and follow pages such as The Guardian or New York Times, which have publications made in this format.

You must access, at the same time, from your mobile device, even from the application if you prefer. From this dynamic, you can see the lightning bolt icon in Instant Posts to detect and access them.

More information on Instant Articles

If you need to learn more about Instant Articles, we can offer you various links to content with more information. Check out: