Captcha Code Concept
What is the captcha code?
A captcha code is a security and accreditation system prepared to validate the identity of users on the Internet. It is a measure fundamentally implemented in web page forms to prevent access by automated robots, which are images or text that the user has to enter.
It is a system that comes from the acronym Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart (Absolutely automatic and public Turing test to differentiate computers from humans) and that has been in use for years, mainly after the movement of computer attacks that occurred on important websites. It is a digital barrier that allows only real people to enter.
For this, it resorts to questions that can be simple additions, the introduction of codes that appear in images or even other more modern methods such as choosing images or fitting puzzle pieces. Captcha codes have long ceased to be mere codes, but they are still used as a vital element for web security.
As we will see below, while having different formats, they can also have different purposes. They are something that goes far beyond its initial approach and its usual meaning.
What is the captcha code for?
The main function, or the first answer given when asking what a Captcha Code is for is simple. Its primary objective is, as its own name explains, to differentiate human users from bots when filling out a form on a web page or when trying to enter a user profile. It is, therefore, a concept linked to security.
But its usefulness transcends that. The captcha also serve to perform other tasks such as the digitization of old books, something that has not yet been streamlined or automated. Another function, especially when using photos, may be to indicate where a Google car was when it took the photos for Streetview.
Captcha Code Examples
All you have to do is complete a registration form or try to log into a web page to have captcha code examples. However, to make it easier, we are going to bring you several different types that can be found on the Internet. Captchas are something totally common and easy to see in any browsing session.
Here you can see several different types: Various Captcha examples
More information about the Captcha Code
If you are looking to get more information about the Captcha Code, you can continue reading with the contents that we provide below. In the following links you can read more about it and expand everything we have explained here about these security codes so present in the digital landscape. We hope they are useful to you and that you can use them in the future:
● How to cheat captcha codes in just two steps
● The 40 best WordPress plugins in 2018