Los servicios financieros globales se vieron saturados durante los meses más largos de aislamiento. Hoy que la situación mejora lentamente y de manera desigual, muchas de las persons que todavía arrastran algunas de estas deudas se encuentran registradas como deudoras, lo que las descalifica para solicitar nuevos préstamos. Para ellas, existe una alternativa: los credits with asnef.
The pandemic and the financial system
Never has a collapse of such magnitude been seen in the global economy. Consequently, there was a perceived massive demand for credit and loan services that ended up saturating the financial system. The situation, however, worsened; As the interruption of non-essential activities continued, banks were forced to reduce the provision of such services and toughen their hiring conditions.
Not be found in a debtors registry such as the Asnef, is one of the most rigorous conditions that still persists today in banks and financial entities. This is because many people, faced with the difficult situation of coping with the interruption of their income, had to refinance your debts or directly fail to comply with their payments to survive. In this way, relatively healthy people from the economic point of view, today do not have access to this type of services that are so necessary.
Credit services with Asnef
Today there are several alternatives, as is the case of the reunification of your debt. It is a type of refinancing that allows to unify several payment commitments in a single monthly installment at a lower interest, what It allows save and simplify our registration. However, considering the related pros and cons with your hiring, the best option is always the credit with Asnef.
These types of credits are intended to financially assist people who have a healthy economy, but that, for having missed a payment or for carrying a debt, are found in files such as the Asnef, which generally disqualifies them from applying for a loan. one can find microcredits, loans personal and loans for unemployed, youths or retired —These classifications are designed to respond in the best possible way to the particular needs that each group can have-
Requirements and conditions
When it comes to relatively small sums of money, only some kind of endorsement or guarantee that ensures the ability to cover payments. Its processing is simple and fast, usually on-line, which makes them especially suitable for dealing with unexpected expenses and emergencies of all kinds. The return deadlines They are shorter than in the case of other loans, something that should be kept in mind when requesting them.
Although they will always depend on the provider, the amount to be requested and the person's ability to pay, in general the following requirements must be submitted:
- coming of age
- Spanish residence
- Identification document
- Bank account (holder)
- Contact information (phone, mail, etc.)
- Income, guarantee or endorsement
The credits with Asnef They are presented today as a great alternative for those who are in a situation of financial insolvency. The hiring conditions are usually flexible and consider the person's ability to pay, regardless of the status of their debts, which makes them very convenient.