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In summary, one of the most anticipated developments has been confirmed by the financial markets and a good part of the small and medium investors. It is none other than the construction company ACS, through Hotchief, has confirmed a "binding" agreement to launch a Joint public offering about Abertis. In the statement sent to the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV), the company has reported that Hotchief will modify its offer - eliminating the consideration of shares - so that the 18.36 euros per share will be paid in full in cash.

Although this was already news expected by financial agents, it has not prevented the shares of the company chaired by Florentino Pérez from appreciating with great intensity. To the extent that your actions have raised around 8%. In an operation that, for now, has been very profitable for its shareholders. Another very different thing is if it will also be like that from now on. Because in fact, it cannot be ruled out that in a short space of time important corrections in their prices may be generated. We will have to wait a little longer to see how this long-awaited operation suits you.

On the other hand, the capital of the absorbed company will have a 30% layout for ACS. This is a factor that financial experts should analyze to verify the profitability of the operation. For this dynamic, you have much more reliable and objective information on whether it is worth buying their shares in the coming weeks. Whatever the case, it is a step forward for the Spanish construction company to expand its business lines. To which must be added how this trading procedure will affect your dividends. Something that has not yet been contemplated by the different analyzes that have been made public during these days.

ACS trades around 33 euros


The reaction of the financial markets has not been long in coming and after a fall in their prices has returned to its original levels. Until reaching levels very close to 33 euros per share this week. Not surprisingly, the statements of the president of ACS, Florentino Pérez, in the sense that "this alliance is going to last a long time" can raise the price of the shares to more demanding levels than those quoted at the moment. To this end, the evolution of the titles of the Spanish construction company has been moving for a long time between 30 and 33 euros per share. Could this be the time to get over it?

Because it cannot be forgotten that the maximums in their prices are at levels of 35 euros. A benchmark that is very viable to overcome in the next trading sessions. However, everything will depend on the positions agreed between buyers and sellers. Because it cannot be ruled out that over a more or less lasting period of time there may be corrections that even lead to the shares of this company falling below 30 euros. Even though the main thing is that it remains in a clear upward trend to resume purchases with a view to a few months or years.

Commercial contract conditions

Regarding how this expected commercial operation has been, there is a small letter in the agreement that is important to emphasize analyze. So that you can give some other clue about the role we have to play as a small and medium investor. Well, one of the aspects of the contract is that both parties agree to maximize the strategic link and synergies between the three companies involved in the operation. On the other hand, it is also at the cost of what may happen with the necessary bank financing. Exactly one of the points that has the most doubts on the part of investors and that can affect the evolution of the Florentino Pérez construction company.

Whatever the case, if your intention today is to position yourself in value, it would be better to wait a few days and digest the contract points. Something that today is not very clear and that can lead ACS actions to go in one direction or another. Waiting at least a few days can help you make your decision under much safer parameters to make the operation profitable. To the point that you can earn a lot of money with this investment from now on. Because caution must be without a place for days the common denominator of your actions in the financial markets.

There is still a gap in the Ibex 35


One of the collateral effects of this large commercial operation is that the highway concessionaire Abertis will cease to be listed on the equity markets. Both nationally and outside our borders. This action means that the selective index of the Spanish Stock Exchange, the Ibex 35, will from now on have a lower value. In other words, 35 instead of the corresponding 35. Even though this situation will not last long because in the next few days a substitute will be appointed to have access to the select investor club. Not surprisingly, rumors are already appearing about the future participant of the Ibex 35.

This designation will cause candidates to have access to this index to begin to show greater volatility in their prices. With what can be another alternative to make savings profitable from an investment strategy. Because in general the securities that go through this procedure tend to go through a procedure of revaluation of their shares. Can go up between 3% and 8%, depending on the movements of investors. In some cases, as a clear example to access positions. Even when at the time of listing on the Ibex 35 they tend to develop strong price corrections. Whatever the case, you should pay attention to these movements from now on.

ACS: a very reliable value

Decidedly, the national construction company is one of the reference values of the Spanish Stock Market. Hundreds and hundreds of securities are traded every day to become one of the most liquid securities on the market. Where the specific weight of small and medium investors is very relevant. To all this we must add that it presents a dividend for shares that is more than interesting. With an average annual profitability around 5% and that they distribute it among their shareholders through two annual payments. So they can create a fixed income investment within the variable. It is another of the opportunities that ACS shares offer you today.

On the other hand, you cannot forget that it is a very stable company and therefore it is not very likely to give you the odd scare in your phase as an investor. In recent years, his actions have moved in a seemingly narrow band. Between 28 and 34 euros per share and its consequent yield in the payment of dividends. One of the keys to aspiring to more ambitious goals is breaking the 35 euro barrier. It is a key level for you to develop an uptrend, at least in the short and medium term.

New ACS projects


Nor can we forget the projects in which one of the benchmark construction companies of Spanish equities is framed. Specifically, one of the last that your line of business has caused is that you have been awarded a contract in Canada for the construction of spillways and the power plant of a hydroelectric complex for a total value of 1,000 million euros. This action can help increase your valuation in the financial markets, even if in a very limited way with respect to the solution of new buyers.

By obtaining this project, Dragados strengthens its business in the hydraulic works market in a strategic market as important as Canada. To this end, it is noteworthy that North America is already first ACS market, followed by Australia. Last year, this area reported to the group revenues of 14,669 million euros, which represents slightly more than 45% of its total business volume. Something that is highly valued by small and medium investors when making their decision to buy their shares or not.

Whatever the case, there is one thing that is very clear at the moment and that is that ACS is one of the hottest stocks in the Spanish continuous market. It is a conjunctural moment that you can take advantage of to optimize your personal or family assets. Beyond other strategies that you can apply from these precise moments. Not surprisingly, everything seems to indicate that there is more to gain than to lose. Even when acting with some caution in the movements you make from the next few weeks or even days. Because, of course, they are not without risks, no matter how few.