The Pen Drive is undoubtedly our best ally, thanks to it we can easily transport our data from one computer to another, print in copy shops, store memories and much more. Regardless, we usually find that they no longer function as they should, or perhaps not as specified in the specs. Then Today we will show you how to check the write / read speed on your Pen Drive, so that we can easily detect if we have made a good purchase or we have a storage memory that is giving errors. As always, Windows News offers you the best tutorials for your Windows computer.
Para realizar estas pruebas vamos a necesitar software adicional, como no podía ser de otra forma. El escogido es CrystalDiskMark y te dejamos los links de descarga justo debajo:
It is extremely easy to use, just let's download the .EXE fileWhen run as administrator, it will be installed on the computer and we will be able to make it work.
The first thing we are going to do is introduce the mass storage that we want to register in the desired USB port, we remember that if we have USB ports compatible with 3.0 technology (generally they are blue) they are the ones we must use to achieve better performance.
Now with the Pen Drive entered CrystalDiskMark I open. In its right drop-down we can choose the disk that we want to check, so obviously we will choose the location of our Pen Drive. Once chosen, we will choose speed 5 in the first tab and between 500 and 1000 MB in the test. We will click on the "All" button and immediately afterwards the writing and reading results will begin to be displayed on our Pen Drive.
Now we will inform ourselves of the specifications of our model and we will easily detect any error or problem that induces us to return to the store to return it.