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Editorial design

Editorial Design Concept

What is Editorial Design?

Editorial Design is a branch of graphic design that specializes in everything related to composition and, fundamentally, the layout of any type of publication. It is what dictates how the content must be distributed in a book, in a magazine or in any written medium that combines text and images.

For publications, mainly those that are made in paper format, it is a totally essential element. Within marketing, in reality, it is taken into account when it consists of making a publication with which, at the same time as informing, an attempt is made to attract the consumer to attract them to the products or services of a company.

It is what is responsible for covering from the design of a cover to the margins that are available to use when placing a text on a format. It covers all the necessary aspects to convey the message in the best way and, at the same time, ensure that the entire set, at an aesthetic and content level, transmits part of what constitutes the brand behind it.

Decidedly, its execution falls on the shoulders of the designer, in charge of layout and developing the model to be followed in each company and in each proposal that is carried out in a marketing campaign.

What is Editorial Design for?

Editorial Design serves to attract the eyes of the public. It is what makes a publication of any type attractive to the naked eye and, later, manages to transmit all its content without being burdensome or saturating. It takes into account any formal aspect so that, based on the brand's values, it achieves that necessary transmission of these to the consumer.

On the one hand, it mixes the text and the visual on the other to create something differentiating, characteristic and eye-catching as well as pleasing to the eye. It transmits the visual and corporate identity of any business based on following strong lines of style, which must fit with it. The greater or lesser impact of any publication that is part, or not, of a marketing campaign depends on their work.

Examples of Editorial Design

Anything you read serves as an example of Editorial Design. We are surrounded by publications and content that, in one way or another, are imbued by those reasons and structures that designers follow to get the message to be transmitted as they want.

Next, we leave an article with examples that illustrate this concept well:

More information about Editorial Design

If you need to expand and need more information on Editorial Design, we can offer it to you through the following links. In these contents that you have below you can read more about the subject and learn about other related aspects. We hope they are useful for the future.

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