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✅ Enable or disable DEP data execution prevention only for Internet Explorer

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If DEP or data execution prevention detecta una carga de código de la pila o batería predeterminada, se activa una excepción. Esto ocurre debido a que el comportamiento indica código malicioso (el código legítimo de forma general no se carga de esta manera). De este modo, DEP protege el browser contra ataques causados ​​por desbordamientos de búfer y vulnerabilidades similares, a modo de ejemplo.

Although it is a valuable feature, DEP can sometimes cause system problems and error messages. So, if you only want to disable Data Execution Prevention for the Internet Explorer browser, do the following:

Disable DEP for Internet Explorer

Open Internet Explorer and go to 'Tools'. The icon appears as a small cogwheel in the upper right corner of the Internet Explorer screen. Click 'Tools' and select 'Internet Options' from the alternatives displayed.

Then click on the 'Advanced' tab and scroll down until you find the 'Security' option. Uncheck the box Select memory protection to mitigate online attacks.

Click Apply/OK. This turns off Data Execution Prevention for Internet Explorer.

To enable data execution prevention, select the check box instead, click Apply and exit.

Do you also want to take a look at these posts?

  1. Enable or disable Data Execution Prevention (DEP) in Windows 8
  2. Checking the status of Data Execution Prevention (DEP) in Windows 8 | 7
  3. Enable or disable Data Execution Prevention (DEP) for individual programs.

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