RECOMMENDED: Click here to fix Windows errors and get the most out of your system performance
Many users occasionally encounter critical BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) errors when using their computer. Most affected users report that the BSODs appear to be random with no detectable triggers. The issue has been confirmed on Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10. By looking for clues in Event Watcher to find out why this error occurred, most concerned users discovered that Qcamain10x64.sys was somehow responsible for the issue. accident.
A blue screen error (also known as a shutdown error) can occur when an obstacle causes your system to shut down or restart unexpectedly. If you encounter this type of error, you will not be able to see things like the Start menu or the taskbar on your screen when you turn on your system. Instead, you may see a blue screen indicating that your system has encountered an obstacle and needs to reboot.
remove the faulty driver using Device Manager.
- Right-click Start and select Device Manager.
- Left-click on Network Adapters to expand this section.
- Right-click on your Atheos WiFi adapter and select Uninstall.
- Seleccione la casilla de verificación «Borrar el software del controlador para este dispositivo».
- Click Next to uninstall.
Once the installation is complete, reinstall the driver and reboot if necessary.
Install any pending Windows 10 updates (if applicable).
As it turns out, this particular issue can also be caused by a poor Windows security update that is known to cause system instability on Windows 10 computers. Microsoft has released a patch for it, but if you unfortunately installed this update without the patch, you will get constant BSODs pointing to the Qcamain10x64.sys file.
Several concerned users announced that they had successfully resolved the issue by installing every pending update until the patch was installed. If this problem is caused by an incorrect Windows security driver in your case, the following steps resolve it for you.
Perform a check disk run
The BSOD you encounter may be due to errors on your hard drive. You can run the built-in Disk Checker tool in Windows 7 from the command prompt to fix errors.
a) Click on the Start menu and type “cmd”. Right-click CMD on the result and select Run as administrator.
b) Click Yes when prompted. The command prompt opens.
c) Escriba “chkdsk c: / f” y pulse Enter (Esto significa que el sistema escanea el disco en la unidad C y corrige el error. Aquí, “C” significa lector C, que de forma general es el lector del sistema para muchas persons. Si la unidad de su sistema no es la unidad C o si desea verificar otras unidades, puede cambiar esta letra por consiguiente).
d) If the system asks if you want to schedule this check for the next system reboot, type “Y” and press Enter.
e) Restart your computer to complete the scan.
RECOMMENDED: Click here to fix Windows errors and get the most out of your system performance