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Muchos usuarios de Windows 10 encuentran un archivo llamado «$ WINRE_BACKUP_PARTITION.MARKER» en su root directory posteriormente de las actualizaciones de Windows. Este archivo puede aparecer para algunos usuarios y no para otros.


No obstante, los usuarios disponen curiosidad por saber si este archivo aparecerá en su directorio de sistema y quieren saber si su eliminación es segura o no. En este post, le diremos si este archivo es legítimo, seguro e importante para su sistema.


This file is typically dropped by the Anniversary Update for Windows 10 and the file size is 0 bytes. WINRE stands for Windows Recovery Environment. In this circumstance, this file can be linked to the Windows 10 restore backup to the previous update. There is no specific information about this file, most of it is user opinion, but one thing is for sure, it is associated with new Windows 10 updates. Most of the users could not find this file on their newly installed Windows system.

This file also exists on machines that did not fail the update. It has nothing to do with updates, although it can appear after an update after attempts to perform operations on a missing recovery partition.

Should I take it off?

Most of the users who tried to delete this file from their system reported that it does not cause any conflict with the operating system or Windows updates. The reason for this is that the file size is 0 bytes and there is almost nothing important. Deleting its file has no effect on Windows startup or updated applications. If we want a final security statement, it is safe to delete this file from your system. There is no specific method to delete this file. Basically you can go to the system directory where this file is and delete it using the default delete method.


RECOMMENDED: Click here to fix Windows errors and get the most out of your system performance