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RECOMMENDED: Click here to fix Windows errors and get the most out of your system performance

Printer error 0x00000005 can also be abbreviated as STOP 0x5, but the full STOP code is always the one shown in the blue STOP message.


If Windows can start after the STOP 0x5 error, you may be prompted to restore Windows after an unexpected shutdown.

There isn't much information about error 0x00000005, but I found a simple solution. This error 0x00000005 generally occurs when you cannot set your new printer or another printer as the default printer.

The error message looks like this:

“The operation could not be completed (error 0x00000005). Access denied."

Modify registry settings


You can try these steps below:

1. Open the Windows registry.
2. Vaya a: HKEY_CURRENT_USER software Microsoft Windows NT CurrentVersion Windows
3. Right click on the Windows folder and select Permissions………….
4. Enable the Full Access option under Allow Here. Click Apply > OK to save the changes.
5. Delete the following record

6. Reboot your system.

Create a new account


  1. Move to the right edge of the screen, tap Settings, and then tap Change computer settings.
    (If you are using a mouse, point to the lower right corner of the screen, move the mouse pointer up, click Settings, and then click Change computer settings.
  2. Tap or click Accounts, then tap or click Other accounts.
  3. Tap or click Add account, then tap or click Sign in without a Microsoft account (not recommended).
  4. Tap or click Local account.
  5. Ingrese un nombre de Username para la nueva cuenta.
  6. If you want this person to sign in with a password, enter and confirm the password, add a password hint, and then tap or click Next.

Si su ordenador está en un domain, puede omitir este paso y tocar Siguiente o hacer un clic si lo desea, según la configuración de seguridad de su dominio.
Tap or click Finish.

Manual PDF Printer Installation


Click Start > Control Panel > Devices and Printers.
Select Add Printer.
Select Add local printer.
Enable Use an existing port and select Documents *. PDF (Adobe PDF) in the drop-down menu. Click Next
Click the Have a disk button.
Click the Evaluate button.
Go to C: Program Files (x86) Adobe Acrobat DC Acrobat Xtras AdobePDF
Select AdobePDF.inf from the list and click the OK button.
You'll see many Adobe PDF converters listed, but count six from top to bottom and click Next (you may have to try a few times to find the right converter listed that works with your version of Windows).
Name your printer, for example, Adobe PDF.

Please let me know if you have fixed STOP 0x00000005 Blue Screen of Death with a method I don't have above. I want to update this page with the most accurate information. STOP 0x00000005 in troubleshooting as accurately as possible.

RECOMMENDED: Click here to fix Windows errors and get the most out of your system performance