Groove Music es el reproductor de música predeterminado que viene preinstalado en Windows 10. Además ofrece transmisión de música a través de subscription o compra a través de la Tienda Windows. Aunque Microsoft hizo un excelente trabajo renovando la antigua aplicación Xbox Music y lanzándola con un nuevo nombre, «Groove Music», la mayoría de los usuarios de Windows no la encuentran adecuada para su uso diario. La mayoría de los usuarios de Windows aún se sienten cómodos utilizando VLC Media Player como su aplicación de música predeterminada, y es es por esto que que desean desinstalar Groove Music de Windows 10 por completo.
The only problem is that you can't uninstall Groove Music from the Uninstall a program window or basically right-clicking and selecting uninstall. Although most applications can be erased using this method, unfortunately, Groove Music comes bundled with Windows 10 and Microsoft doesn't want you to uninstall it. Of course, without giving up time, let's see How to Completely Uninstall Groove Music from Windows 10 with the help of the tutorial listed below.
Completely uninstall Groove Music from Windows 10
Make sure to create a restore point in case something goes wrong.
Method 1: uninstall Groove Music via PowerShell
Note: Make sure to close the Groove Music app before continuing.
1. Press Windows key + Q to open search, type Shell Power and right click on PowerShell from the search result and select Execute as an administrator.
2. Type the following command in the PowerShell window and press Enter:
Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | Select Name, PackageFullName
3. Now in the list, scroll down until you find Zune Music. Copy the ZuneMusic PackageFullName.
4. Retype the following command and press Enter:
remove-AppxPackage PackageFullName
Note: Replace PackageFullName with the actual Zune Music PackageFullName.
5. If the above commands don't work, try this one:
remove-AppxPackage (Get-AppxPackage –AllUsers | Where {$_.PackageFullName -match "ZuneMusic"}). PackageFullName
6. Restart your computer to save the changes.
(*10*)Method 2: uninstall Groove Music via CCleaner
1. Download the latest version of CCleaner del portal Web oficial.
2. Make sure to install CCleaner from the installation file and then start CCleaner.
3. In the menu on the left, click Tools, then click Uninstall
Note: It may take time to display all installed apps, so be patient.
4. Once all the applications are displayed, right click on the Groove Music app and select Uninstall
5. Click OK to continue. uninstall.
6. Restart your computer to save the changes.
That is what you have successfully learned How to Completely Uninstall Groove Music from Windows 10 But if you still have any questions regarding this post, feel free to ask in the comment section.