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It is likely that on more than one occasion you have left your computer on while you were waiting for a file that would take a long time to download. Regardless, you will not be able to shut down your computer after this download is complete. Fortunately, we can make use of an option that allows us to program the shutdown of the equipment in a simple way.

It is a function that is not visible or known, but it is available. Thanks to the same we can choose when our computer shuts down. At the same time, it is a function that is present in both Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10. Therefore, all users can make use of it.

And what is more, We do not need to install anything from third parties to be able to use it. Undoubtedly a function that can be comfortable in more than one situation. The way it works differs depending on the version of the operating system. But we show you how it works in all of them.

Windows 8, 8.1 and Windows 10

In the two most recent versions of the operating system, this function works the same way. We have to go to Windows Start Menu and we must click on the Run option. Later a window opens that allows us to write a command in it. What we have to do in the window is to write when we want the PC to turn off.

For this we must write the following command:

  • shutdown -s -t [After the T we must write in seconds the time in which we want the computer to turn off, for example two hours]
  • off -s -t 7200

Once we have entered the valueLet's see how a window shows us the time left until the moment when our equipment turns off. Therefore, depending on the time that we have indicated, the PC will turn off at that moment. What if we change our mind? Can cancel this option at any time. For this case we have to write a new command in the Windows menu search box. The command we have to write is:

Thus if we need it, the shutdown programming of our equipment is canceled.

Windows 7

In case we have a computer that works with Windows 7, the procedure is very equivalent. We have to go to Windows start menu. Inside the search box we have to write the same command. So we must indicate in seconds how long we want the PC to turn off. Once entered, we press Enter.

The command is as follows:

As you already know, the number is whatever you want. For this case we are doing it with the example of a two hour extension. But they can be as many as you want. Later, when we have entered the command, the system itself will inform us. Again, if we want to cancel this procedure, we use the same command as before: shutdown -a.

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