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En estos días de elevado número de ciberamenazas y cibercrímenes, se ha vuelto extremadamente importante utilizar un cortafuegos en el equipo. Siempre que el equipo esté conectado a Internet o incluso a cualquier otra red, es propenso a sufrir ataques a través de accesos no autorizados. Por lo tanto, el equipo de Windows tiene un sistema de seguridad incorporado, conocido como Firewall de Windows, para protegerlo contra cualquier acceso no autorizado a su equipo, filtrando cualquier información no deseada o dañina que entre en el sistema y bloqueando las aplicaciones potencialmente dañinas. Windows permite sus propias aplicaciones a través de un firewall de forma predeterminada. Esto significa que el firewall tiene una excepción para estas aplicaciones en particular y les permitirá comunicarse con Internet.

When you install a new application, it adds its exception to the firewall to be able to access the network. Therefore, Windows asks if it is safe to do so via the "Windows Security Alert" prompt.

However, sometimes it is necessary to add an exception to the firewall manually in case it was not done automatically. You may also need to do this for apps to which you have previously denied such permissions. Similarly, you may want to manually remove a firewall exception to prevent an application from accessing the Internet. In this article, we will talk about how to block or allow applications through Windows Firewall.

Windows 10: Allow or block applications through the firewall

Make sure to create a restore point in case something goes wrong.

Method 1: How to Allow Apps on Windows 10 Firewall

To manually allow a trusted application through the firewall using the settings:

1.Click the gear icon in the start menu or press Windows key + I to open the settings window.

2.Click on "Network and Internet".

3. Change to the $0027Status$0027 tab.

4.In the "Change network settings" section, click "Windows Firewall".

5. The Windows Defender Security Center $0027 window will open.

6.Switch to the "Firewall and network protection" tab.

7.Click "Allow an application through the firewall". The "Allowed Applications" window will open.

8. If you cannot reach this window, or if you are also using some other firewall, you can open the "Windows Defender Firewall" window directly using the search field on your taskbar and then click "Allow an application or feature via Windows Defender Firewall ».

9.Click the "Change settings" button in the new window.

10.Find the application you want to allow in the list.

11. Check the box corresponding to the application. 12. Select "Private" to allow the application to access a private home or work network. 12.Select $0027Public$0027 to allow the application to access a public network.

12. If you cannot find your application in the list, click "Allow another application ...". Also, click the $0027Browse$0027 button and browse the application you want. Click on the "Add" button.

13.Click "OK" to confirm the settings.

To allow a trusted application to pass through the firewall using the command line,

1.In the search field on your taskbar, type cmd.


2.Press Ctrl + Shift + Enter to open an elevated command prompt.

3.Now type the following command in the window and hit Enter:

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name = »app_name» dir = in action = allow program = »app_path / app.exe» enable = yes

Note: Replace the application name and path with the corresponding one.

Method 2: How to Block Apps on Windows 10 Firewall

To block an application in Windows Firewall using settings,

1.Open the "Windows Defender Security Center" window following the same steps we did previously to allow an application to pass through the firewall.

2.In the "Firewall and network protection" tab, click "Apply an application through the firewall".

3.Click on "Change settings".

4. Find the app you need to block in the list and uncheck the boxes against it.


5.You can also completely remove the application from the list by selecting the application and clicking the button $0027Remove$0027.

6.Click the $0027OK$0027 button to confirm.

To remove an application on the firewall using the command prompt,

1.In the search field on your taskbar, type cmd.

2.Press Ctrl + Shift + Enter to open an elevated command prompt.

3.Now type the following command in the window and hit Enter:

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name = »app_name» dir = in action = block program = »app_path / app.exe» enable = yes

Note: Replace the application name and path with the corresponding one.

Using the above methods you can easily Allow or Block applications in Windows Firewall. You can also use a third-party app, like OneClickFirewall, to do the same more easily.