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Habilitar o deshabilitar las vistas previas de las miniaturas en Windows 10: Las vistas previas de las miniaturas es una característica importante de Windows 10 que te permite tener una vista previa de la ventana de la aplicación en tu barra de tareas cuando pasas el cursor por encima de ella. Básicamente, se obtiene una vista previa de las tareas y el residence time en el aire está predefinido, que se establece en medio segundo. Así que cuando pasas el cursor por encima de las tareas en la barra de tareas, una ventana emergente de vista previa en miniatura te mostrará lo que se está ejecutando en la aplicación actual. Además, si tienes varias ventanas o pestañas de esa aplicación, por ejemplo, Microsoft Edge, entonces se te mostrará la vista previa de cada una de ellas.


Now sometimes this feature is more problematic because the thumbnail preview window gets in your way when you try to work with multiple windows or applications. In this case, it will be better to disable thumbnail previews in Windows 10 to make it work smoothly. Also, it can sometimes be disabled by default so some users may want to enable thumbnail previews, so this guide will show you how to enable or disable thumbnail previews in Windows 10.

Turn thumbnail previews on or off in Windows 10

Make sure to create a restore point in case something goes wrong.

Method 1: Turn thumbnail previews on or off using system performance settings

1.Right-click on This PC or My Computer and select Properties.


2.In the menu on the left, click Advanced System Settings.


3. Make sure the Advanced tab is selected, and then click Settings under Performance.


4.Uncheck the Enable View option to disable thumbnail previews.


5. If you want to enable thumbnail previews, check Enable preview.

5.Click Apply and then OK.

6.Restart your PC to save the changes.

Method 2: Turn thumbnail previews on or off using Registry Editor

1.Press Windows key + R, then type regedit and press Enter to open Registry Editor.


2.Navigate to the following registry key:

HKEY_CURRENT_USERN-SoftwareNMicrosoftNWindowsNCurrent VersionN-ExplorerN-Advanced

3.Now select Advanced Registry Key and then right click and select New> DWORD Value (32-bit).


4.Name this new DWORD as ExtendedUIHoverTime and hit Enter.

5.Doble click en ExtendedUIHoverTime y cambia su valor a 30000.


Note: 30000 is the delay time (in milliseconds) to show the Thumbnail Preview when hovering over tasks or applications on the Taskbar. In short, it will disable thumbnails to appear on hover for 30 seconds, which is more than enough to disable this feature.

6.If you want to enable the preview of the thumbnails, set its value to 0.

7. Click OK and close Registry Editor.

8.Restart your PC to save the changes.

Method 3: Disable thumbnail previews only for multiple instances of the application window

1.Press Windows key + R, then type regedit and press Enter.


2.Navigate to the following registry key:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER_SOFTWAREN-MicrosoftNWindowsNCurrent VersionN-ExplorerTaskband

3.Right-click Taskband, and then select New> DWORD (32-bit) value.


4. Name this key Num Thumbnails and double click on it to change its value.

5. Set its value to 0 and click OK.


6.Restart your PC to save the changes.

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That's all you've learned about how to turn thumbnail previews on or off in Windows 10, but if you still have any questions about this post, feel free to ask them in the comment section.