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Web Tree

Web Tree Concept

What is a Web Tree?

A web tree it is a visual representation of the entire structure that determines how you navigate within a web page. It consists of a scheme in which it is determined how the information will be presented to visitors and what will be the structure to follow to distribute it among the different sections of the page.

It is called a tree because it is a scheme distributed in a central trunk from which several branches emerge with the different sections and these, in turn, have leaves where the content to be displayed is indicated. It is a fairly easy representation system, but also quite necessary to make a good study of the usability in order to facilitate navigation for anyone who moves through the web.

Through its structure, at the same time, the hierarchy of the sections and their corresponding subsections can be determined, the order in which they must appear and the different strata in which the public must move when navigating in the Web.

An approach that has been used for years in everything related to web design and development, since it is the fastest way to review the structure of a page and know the depth it has, as well as establish the density that it has to to have. It consists of the base on which to start create a professional website, of the plane from which everything is made.

What is a Web Tree for

A Web Tree is used to establish not only how content is distributed on a page but also to determine how it will be navigated. Any company that has a page has to start from a tree with well differentiated branches and with explanatory sheets to facilitate the work of those who are in charge of building the web.

At the same time, it is something that will significantly affect the user experience. If a good tree is not made, it is more than likely that navigation will be complicated, clumsy and even lead to the repetition of content in different sections.

Web Tree Examples

A simple example of a web tree could be the one that reflects the content of our web page, The center, the trunk of this, would be our home page, and from there different branches would come out for the Neoattack, services, porftolio, blog and contact sections. At the same time, from each of these, the sheets would come out to indicate the subsections and the contents to be dealt with in them.

More information about the Web Tree

In case you want to learn more about the web tree, you can take a look at the contents that we link below. East Article It offers information that, we hope, may be useful for you to learn more about the subject and expand your knowledge, or even to apply it in order to create your own tree.

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