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Google My Business Tags

Google My Business Tags Concept

What are Google My Business Tags?

The Google My Busines Tags They are a complement the definition and information of your business and help improve local SEO positioning.

The tags they can be of place, as a point of reference so that the user can better locate himself, even with the help of Google Maps.

The place tags are very interesting to increase the chances that people find your business. This is why it is very important to verify your business in Google My Business.

What are Google My Business Tags for?

Google My Business Tags serve to better describe the business, products and services that you want to position.

There are also the labels called hashtag, with which you will be able to point out the most relevant characteristics of your business, for example #Mascotas, #MenúVegetariano, #Fitness… etc.

That means you will be making better segmentation of the interests of the users. Therefore, those who are simply interested in your products and services will find you. That is, the labels make it easy for Google users to find you by keyword.

To finish the Google My Business Tags are used to:

  • Improve the visibility of the business in Google results.
  • It favors physical visits to the premises, since they show the user how close they are to the business, the address, the telephone number and hours of operation.
  • It offers relevant business information and makes the most of the Google Maps tool to enhance geolocation.
  • It encourages interaction with the client, since it makes available all the mechanisms that provide trust to the user.
  • The comments and hashtags in the reviews are votes of confidence that help other customers to visit the place.
  • Tags are excellent allies to do a good job of local SEO positioning.

Examples of Google My Business Tags

Let's say you have a store specializing in pet posts and grooming services. If you need pet owners in your industry to take you into account, you should appear in local Google searches.

This is why you should add keyword tags to your Google My Business listing, so that users can easily find you.

For example: #peluqueríacanina, #mascotas, #gatos, #dog, #petshop, and any other word that highlights your business.

You will see how the local search results that Google presents to users are determined by the relevance or degree of coincidence of the search, with the information of your file and contents.

More information about Google My Business Tags

To expand the information on Google My Business Tags, we suggest our local SEO manual with which to bring more visits to your business:

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