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Multichannel Funnel

The Multichannel Funnel (Multi-Channel Funnels in English) is an analysis tool that allows you to know how your website visitors converted into conversions, that is, which websites, media or banners they clicked on before having bought something in your online store . The Multichannel Funnel is a feature of Google Analytics, which describes the electronic path from the interested visitor of the web portal to a paying customer.

General information

If a customer bought a product, they typically came to a web store through multiple channels, for example through organic or paid search, social media, newsletters, and banners. You may have been searching for a product or a brand, or you may have come across the web by recommendation. Previous clicks, searches, and page views all play a role. This data will help you recognize how various marketing channels work in tandem to generate clicks and sales.

The Multichannel Funnels tool collects and visualizes this data and allows make the most of certain channels in terms of conversions or report preparations.

The funnel can display each channel and review its performance. Thus, you can examine the effectiveness of marketing activities on each channel. This makes budgeting decisions easier in digital marketing and can help ensure that marketing measures continually improve. Multichannel Funnels only work if they have data. Thus, e-commerce software or a tracking interface is required in certain circumstances.


The multichannel funnel tool determines the data by evaluating the conversion paths. It records sequences of interactions that in summary resulted in the purchase of a product. These interactions are clicks on links, affiliates, or looking at organic and paid search. Even social networks, newsletters or campaigns especially created can serve as a resource for interactions. Multichannel funnels offer five different reports to examine these interactions:

1.) Summary visualizes data. You can choose up to four channels with it. This shows how many conversions have been made in total and the statistical breakdown for each channel.

2.) Path length: How many clicks does it take for a user to convert to a conversion?

3.) Preparatory conversions: If a particular channel acts as a preparatory resource that transforms visitors into a conversion, it is referred to as a preliminary conversion.

4.) The best conversion paths: These are the ways that have a high percentage of sales and very many times result in conversions.

5.) Time interval: With this tool you can define the period to pay attention. The default value is 30 days, it can also be set up to 90 days.

Relevance for SEO

Not only does the funnel provide valuable information on click paths and means of access, but the data can also be narrowed down at the campaign and keyword level. [1]

Therefore you can find out which media with which campaigns and which keywords generated the most revenue. And also, where there is potential for improvement, for example, adding keywords or functional changes to a web page (keyword: usability).

conclusion: The funnel is an essential monitoring tool for the success of the websites.

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