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Keyword Density

The keyword density is the value that indicates how often a keyword is found in text or in a document. It is calculated from the frequency of the term under examination and the total number of words (see TF * IDF). "Term" here refers to keywords that can also consist of multiple words (word combinations). A 100 word text in which the search term appears four times has a keyword density of four percent.

Keyword density and search engines

While Google used keyword density as a relevance criterion for evaluating websites in the early years, it can be assumed that this is not or is hardly the case today because increasing keyword density can also be done. easily as part of spam, but at the expense of readability. According to the Google Webmaster Guidelines, keyword stuffing is considered spam. Keyword stuffing would be the case if keywords are used in disproportionate numbers in the content of a web portal, resulting in too high a keyword density (around eight percent). Google would then lower the relevant page in the ranking and send a message to the webmaster via the Google Search Console, as long as the site is registered there.

The ideal keyword density

Optimal keyword density is still being discussed and searched in many forums. There is no consensus on this, but in many cases the value is assumed to be between 5 and 8 percent. Regardless, in text optimization, keyword density shouldn't play a big role. It is much more important to write an informative and relevant text for the content, which guarantees added value for the readers. Hence, the necessary keyword density can be achieved automatically through the natural appearance of relevant terms. At the same time, attractive content ensures that users do not leave the page in question, reducing the bounce rate and increasing the length of stay.

Benefits for search engine optimization

Even though texts should no longer be optimized based on the frequency of the keywords they contain, the ratio should not be ignored, as many texts enhance their content, but are inadvertently stuffed with keywords that can cause keyword density too high. Rewriting or using descriptions or synonyms is a good remedy. It is also essential to note that perfect posts are not enough to achieve a good ranking, but other content such as images or videos, and technical optimization, and since April 2015, cell phone optimization are important quality factors for good websites.

Matt Cutts on keyword density

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