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Contextual Advertising

Contextual Advertising Concept

What is Contextual Advertising?

Contextual commercial promotion is one that is related to the contents and the theme of a website or a part of it, as well as the interests, needs and searches made by the user who enters it. It is a system that uses platforms such as Google Adsense and many others to get the banners that appear on those portals that use them achieve a higher rate of return.

A concept that, at the same time, goes hand in hand with the idea of not introducing intrusive commercial promotion with value of interest to the user. Because it is always linked to the content that is being viewed, as well as to what arouses the consumer's curiosity, it has greater efficiency and does not generate the feeling of being something imposed to claim their attention. Anything that is intrusive is frowned upon, primarily by modern audiences, and this is a soft option that does work.

Generally, this commercial promotion is one that is paid for each click obtained; that is, it follows the lines of PPC marketing. The price for each one varies depending on the type of website on which it is located, as well as the position in which the ad will be placed within it. To cite one case, a contextual ad placed on the cover of a reputable digital press will not have the same rate as one located at the bottom of a blog with little audience.

What is Contextual Advertising for?

Contextual business promotion serves to gain a greater profit from ad clicks, as well as a greater opportunity to get leads through those who enter them. As it is a type of campaign that is based on the theme of the place where the ad is placed, at the same time as in the interests of consumers, it has a greater appeal for them and, therefore, is more likely to be interesting to them.

Its purpose is none other than to obtain a double benefit, or rather triple. It benefits the platform where the commercial promotion is placed, since it has a greater probability of being clicked by readers; It also benefits the advertising company because it manages to attract more consumers and, at the same time, it also benefits the latter by offering them something that may be useful to them.

Examples of Contextual Advertising

In the majority of online portals with advertisements we can contemplate cases of contextual commercial promotion. If what you are looking for is a compilation of examples of this type of ads, you can take a look here:

Examples of Google Adsense ads.

More information about Contextual Advertising

To expand with more information about contextual commercial promotion, you can read the content of the articles that we link later. There are many details about this field that can be quite interesting.

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