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The Power BI column chart is very useful for visually comparing categorical data. For example, if we want to compare Sales by Product Group or Color, we can use this Power BI column chart.

For this Power BI column chart demo, we will use the SQL data source that we created in our previous article.

See the article Connect Power BI to SQL Server to understand the Power BI data source.

How to create a column chart in Power BI

Drag and drop the Sales Amount section of the fields onto the canvas to automatically create a column chart, as shown in the following screenshot.


Next, let me add the Color field to Axis to create a column chart showing the sales amount by product color.


Create a column chart in Power BI: approach 2

Clicking on the column chart below the Display section, it automatically creates a column chart, as shown in the following screenshot.


To add data to the Power BI column chart, we have to add the required fields:

  • Axis: Specify the column that divides the bars.
  • Values: Any numerical value, such as sales amount, total sales, customer count, etc.

Let me drag the sales amount from the Fields section to the Values field.


And you can see, it has created a column chart for you.


Then add Product Color to the Axis field. You can do this by dragging Color to the Axis section, or Check the Color column


The Power BI column chart has one more property called Color Saturation. Let me add the order quantity to saturate the color from light to dark. In the following screenshot, you can see that all the colors of the product except NA are clear.


It is because the Order Quantity is high for NA color products, but the sale quantity is much less. Whereas the quantity of sales of black products is high, but the quantity of orders is much less.


Let me apply a quick format to this column chart

NOTE: I suggest you refer to the Column Chart Format article to understand the steps required to format bar colors, data color, background color, title, axis fonts, and colors.


The Power BI column chart is very useful for visually comparing categorical data. For example, if we want to compare Sales by Product Group or Color, we can use this Power BI column chart.

For this Power BI column chart demo, we will use the SQL data source that we created in our previous article.

See the article Connect Power BI to SQL Server to understand the Power BI data source.

How to create a column chart in Power BI

Drag and drop the Sales Amount section of the fields onto the canvas to automatically create a column chart, as shown in the following screenshot.


Next, let me add the Color field to Axis to create a column chart showing the sales amount by product color.


Create a column chart in Power BI: approach 2

Clicking on the column chart below the Display section, it automatically creates a column chart, as shown in the following screenshot.


To add data to the Power BI column chart, we have to add the required fields:

  • Axis: Specify the column that divides the bars.
  • Values: Any numerical value, such as sales amount, total sales, customer count, etc.

Let me drag the sales amount from the Fields section to the Values field.


And you can see, it has created a column chart for you.


Then add Product Color to the Axis field. You can do this by dragging Color to the Axis section, or Check the Color column


The Power BI column chart has one more property called Color Saturation. Let me add the order quantity to saturate the color from light to dark. In the following screenshot, you can see that all the colors of the product except NA are clear.


It is because the Order Quantity is high for NA color products, but the sale quantity is much less. Whereas the quantity of sales of black products is high, but the quantity of orders is much less.


Let me apply a quick format to this column chart

NOTE: I suggest you refer to the Column Chart Format article to understand the steps required to format bar colors, data color, background color, title, axis fonts, and colors.

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