In this section, we show you how to download and install Power BI Desktop with screenshots. The Power BI Desktop installation includes the following steps. So, follow the steps we mentioned below.
Steps to download and install Power BI Desktop
The following are the steps to download and install Power BI Desktop.
Download Power BI Desktop
Power BI Desktop is a free Windows-based application. You can use this desktop to shape the data in a suitable format and design reports according to your requirements.
Para descargar Power BI Desktop, primero vaya al sitio Web oficial de tableau haciendo clic en este link Download link.
TIP: You need access to Power BI Pro to publish the report and share it.
The following screenshot shows the Downloads page. You can click the Download button or you can click the Advanced Download Options hyperlink.
Clicking Advanced Download Options will take you to the Microsoft sitio web. Aquí puede leer los pasos de instalación, los requisitos de software and hardware.
Click on the to download to download the Microsoft Power BI desktop from this location
Install Power BI Desktop
To install the Power BI desktop, navigate your file system to the Power BI software we downloaded earlier. Then click on the application.
Once you click on the app, the window shown below will open. It is a security warning and may appear if you have any security measures; otherwise, skip to the next step.
The first page of the Power BI installation is a welcome page. Click on the next button
Please check the I accept the terms of the License Agreement. option and click the next button.
Select the location where you want to install this application. Here, you can leave the default value C location or use the Change to modify the installation directory.
Then click on the Install on pc button
Please wait until the installation is complete.
Click on the End up button to complete the installation process
Wait until Power BI Desktop initializes the desktop features.
Now you can see the installed Power BI Desktop. Let me close the home page
It's Power BI Desktop, where we upload data from different sources, design reports, and publish them.