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15 attitudes and skills employers want in job interviews

When a company decides to hire a person, it does so because it requires resources (in this case human) to be able to carry out its activity. Those responsible for the selection already have a defined profile of how the person who is going to occupy the position has to be.

The company has already defined the characteristics of the work to be carried out, and therefore, what is the training, experience and skills that are essential. But not only that, but at the same time they know what are those other attitudes that that person must have in order to fit into the company.

And the thing is that one of the problems that arises is that, on the one hand, people who are looking for a job cannot prove their worth until they are not working. And on the other hand, companies cannot check if they have selected the best candidate until they have already hired him.

That is why we resort to selection processes which are developed in two phases:

  1. The selection is made based on objective criteria (titles, training, experience ...)
  2. The selection is made with subjective criteria (empathy, work capacity ...).

For this second stage we have, among other tools, personal interviews. We usually speak of an interview, but the usual thing is that they are two, three or even 5 as in the case of Apple when it selects dependents that become even 8 when the position is for store manager.

And what are companies looking for in those interviews? What are those work attitudes and work skills that we have to have, and especially demonstrate in them? They are professional skills that can be very practical to obtain or improve your job, therefore I hope that I hope that these professional and personal skills will be of great advantage to you.


The 7 job skills most valued by companies

Proposal capacity

The company, in addition to indicating the work that you must do, will seek you to contribute new ideas, proposals and suggestions. There are candidates who work well: a girl in a selection for marketing manager brought to the interview a communication plan initiative that she had prepared for that company and exposed it. Needless to say, she stayed with the job even though she was the least trained and least experienced of all. It is therefore one of the professional skills most taken into account.


More and more companies are looking for professional profiles that are capable of performing different functions or tasks. Showing during the interview how we keep up to date in our professional sector or how we are able to learn new digital skills will help us to convey that idea.

Ability to solve problems

Faced with an unforeseen event, there are people who are paralyzed and do not know how to act. On the other hand, there are others who are capable of analyzing the situation and making decisions. These types of people are the ones that companies want. If they ask you a question like what would you do if…? in fact what they are trying to find out is whether you belong to the second group.


Apparently we are all capable of working as a team and the reality is that later most of the problems that arise in companies is exactly because we do not know how to work as a team. And it is that working as a team is not only doing "tasks together", but also refers to the ability to create a good work environment.


Companies value this work aptitude very positively in their future hires, since the versatility of the new integration allows them more job opportunities in different fields.

Versatile does not mean that the person has to be specialized in a large number of branches or specialties, but it does mean that at the same time as their specialization they have the ability to work in other areas.


Imagination makes a person stand out above the rest of the interviewees and logically it is a work aptitude that is highly taken into account by most companies.


Leadership and the ability to lead teams in an aptitude that is highly relevant and that we must develop. A true leader trusts and delegates to his team.

They are the set of managerial skills that a person has to influence the way of being or acting of people or in a pre-established work group, making this team work with enthusiasm towards the achievement of their goals and objectives.

The 8 work attitudes most valued by companies

Now we are going to focus on seeing some work attitudes that are highly valued by companies in the selection processes.


We do not mean to be more or less funny, but to responsibility in our work, but of course, until we are working we cannot prove it. Well, let's try not to be late for the interview, bring originals and copies of all our titles or contracts. If in an interview they ask us for a copy of the curriculum, they do not do it because they do not have it, but because they want to see if we are forward-looking and organized.


As we have spoken before, it is not necessary to be funny, but we do have to have social skills. Smiling and maintaining a friendly attitude is essential. None of us believe that he is unfriendly or borderline, but we all know colleagues who are unfriendly and borderline.

Involvement with the company or business

The majority of candidates during a selection procedure say they are very excited to be able to work in that company. On one occasion a recruiter asked the candidate: Can you tell me where we have open offices? To which he could not answer. If we go to a job interview we must know as much as possible about it.

Unproblematic people

Saying in the interview that "if it is your afternoon shift, you won't be able to go because it is difficult for you" is not going to help you much. We all have difficulties to reconcile work and family life or to travel to our work, but in this case we are creating a barrier to the company when we are not even part of it. That is why, that of "I have total availability" we must apply it.

Positive attitude

Not only for work, but for life in general. I once attended a conversation between two recruiters at a company where they were commenting that one of the candidates had done nothing but complain that he had no job and had to pay a mortgage. I honestly thought how different things look when you have a job. My surprise was when that same recruiter mentioned that he had a young son with cancer and that he was putting on his best smile there.

Self-confident people

In a job interview we all get nervous because we play a lot, but there are people who show that they are more sure of themselves than others. When they ask you, what can you offer the company? what they are actually looking for is that you give them the confidence that you are the right person for the position and that you help them make the decision to choose you.


Loyalty is the ability of a person to be part of a team and stand firm in both adversity and good times. It is therefore a work attitude highly valued by companies when hiring staff.


Even when you consider that honesty is not a highly valued work attitude, it is not so, at the same time as it is important in a hiring procedure of a company or business, it is also important in the relationship that exists between employee and employer, and Even the progression we have in the company can help us.


We have reviewed the attitudes and job skills most valued by companies, and that logically you will open the doors to your professional and work future.

Finally, there is an attitude, or rather, a quality, which even when it is never talked about, tends to be at the bottom of any selection, and that is that we all seek to have good people by our side, whether in the personal, family or professional sphere.

I suggest that you work on each of these professional skills, since they will be of great help to you in your professional future. Maybe it could be useful to do an analysis PESTEL personal

Our recommendation is that you surround yourself with people who make you grow on a personal and / or professional level, and that being yourself you find what makes you happy.

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