Stories are the ideal complement for your strategy de marketing in Instagram. Tanto para complementar la historia que cuentas en tu perfil como para contar algo de forma independiente. Pero recuerda que todos los contenidos, tanto del perfil como de Stories, must go hand in hand with a purpose de tu plan: branding, crear comunidad, captar suscriptores, divertir, comercializar…
You can try different formats: video, photo, boomerang, time-lapse ... can you think of any more? If in any initiative you have comments, variants, or new ideas that you think and want to share, they will be welcome. So it will be almost a collaborative article!
What are Insta Stories for?
For you, whether you are one of those who still do not use too much Stories and want to start doing it (or you should), or if you are one of those who do use it but from time to time you run out of ideas. You can apply some of the ideas to your strategy, and if you don't have a plan, then it will be great for you to have a set of ideas that you can adapt to your brand.
7 ideas for your Instagram stories
Idea 1 for your Instagram Stories: Your Presentation
- OBJECTIVE: Branding
- FORMAT: Preferably in video. You can record the entire video and then cut it with the CutStory app. And if you need to, you can insert a photo or boomerang in your presentation.
Who you are? Where are you from? What is your job? Do you work from home? Do you have children, cats or husband ...?
Yes, I know, we started with the most difficult right? But it is the most important thing!
Si no te presentaste a tu audiencia, ya be en el perfil como en Stories. Ya sé que a muchas os cuesta poneros delante de la cámara. Puedes probarlo más adelante si no te atreves, o hacerlo con fotos, pero yo aprovecharía esta posibilidad, estaremos todos haciendo lo mismo y no es un directo, solo es un Stories!
And if you have already presented yourself and even have already made it public in a Featured "About me" or equivalent, then Great! Later we will make a more professional presentation, today we will focus on these four things that I have mentioned, but hey, freedom and creativity!
📌 Always remember the personality of your brand, you should always keep in mind the values that you intend to transmit when making your Stories and the contents of your profile.
📌 I also suggest that at least once a month, you introduce yourself to your audience, possibly many will be new followers and they still don't know you.
Idea 2 for your Instagram stories: Your Workspace
- OBJECTIVE: Branding
- FORMAT: Video or photos, whatever you prefer. But a video "guided tour" would be ideal to show how you work, where you spend the hours, the music you listen to, the inspirational phrases you have hanging on the wall and why not, introduce us to your cat or dog "secretary".
It is not a making off of how you do your work, that will be another day. Today we will only show the world (whatever you want to show decisively) your workplace. It will help you convey your essence, your personality, that is what it is about.
📌 Recuerda geolocalizarte! Al mismo tiempo de incrementar el scope de tus Stories, así sabremos desde donde «transmites».
Idea 3 para tus historias de Instagram: Tu artículo en el Blog
- OBJETIVO: Traffic a tu blog
- FORMAT: Video, photos, boomerang… Choose an article and make them want to go to your blog!
Notice that the purpose has changed, now it is Traffic to your blog. We will not have a branding purpose, but a different one ...
Lo ideal es publicar un artículo en el perfil sobre el tema que tratas en el blog, con una llamada a la acción para que vayan a tu bio, y en los Stories complementar esta info con un contents diferente. ¡Imaginación al poder!
📌 La app Linktree te permite multiplicar el link de tu bio, para que puedas llevar a tus seguidoras a tu Web, tu blog, suscribirte a tu newsletter. Si al mismo tiempo lo conviertes en un link corto con bitly, podrás ver cuántas veces hacen clic en tu bio y qué días. Muy interesante para repasar qué contenidos han hecho que la gente quiera ir a tu web.
Idea 4 for your Instagram stories: I recommend ...
- OBJECTIVE: Connect - Create Community
- FORMAT: Video, photo.
It consists of connecting with a profile that you have met in this challenge that you have loved, inspired or you see interesting for a viable collaboration. This type of Stories is interesting that it is part of your strategy from time to time to create connections. Careful, without being invasive.
Idea 5 for your Instagram stories: Your slow moment
- OBJECTIVE: Create Community
- FORMAT: Video, photo, slowmotion, rewind, boomerang ...
Share your weekend. A place, a book, a song ... that moment of disconnection, lifestyle, (always according to the values of your brand, related or not to your brand) that will help you empathize and connect with your community. For example, you are a wedding planner and you share a breakfast moment in the country with some fashion and wedding magazines along with your cup of coffee ... (yes, I know, very Pinterest hahaha)
As for the formats, in this Stories investigate, test, experiment ...
Idea 6 for your Insta Stories: The phrase that inspires you
- OBJECTIVE: Create Community
- FORMAT: Video, photo.
Mondays are the day of greatest inspiration, to prepare goals and organize my week. And nothing better to start on Monday than an inspiring phrase that puts you in a good mood and recharges your batteries, do you have yours?
Comparte tu frase de inspiración en tu perfil y complementa este contenido con un Stories que explique la historia de esta frase, desde mostrarla donde la guardas, de donde la sacaste, de un libro, de un event, de la pared de tu estudio, de alguien a quién admiras, o de un tablero de Pinterest…
Idea 7 for your Instagram stories: How can I help you
Explain to your audience how you can help others with your product or service, explaining what your valuable initiative is.
- OBJECTIVE: To sell you "without commercializing" ⠀
- FORMAT: free
Explain to your audience how you can help others with your product or service, explaining what your value initiative is. ⠀⠀⠀⠀
Definirla puede ser algo complejo, pero una fórmula podría ser aclarar qué haces, para quién y el beneficio que va a conseguir tu client. Esta definición es para empezar que deberías transmitir cuando alguien entra en tus redes o en tu web…
For this reason, today I am not asking you to "sell" your product or service directly, but rather to transmit that benefit that you offer and what is special about you so that it chooses you and not your competition. What do you think?