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¿Te han impedido ciertas opciones en Instagram? ¿No podrías seguir a nadie? ¿Instagram te ha limitado a seguir a una persona?. En este post te contamos qué hacer en esta agobiante situación. A raíz de realizar ciertas actividades de las que en múltiples ocasiones ni siquiera somos conscientes, Instagram nos envía un mensaje que dice:

Temporary Lock

Based on the follow-up requests made, you have been briefly prevented from giving your account the option to perform this activity.

Como debería ser obvio en el aviso de Instagram, dice claramente «temporal», esto implica que no necesitas hacer otro perfil de Instagram para tener la opción de seguir a más persons. A decir verdad, esto no es permanente, es un período de tiempo mucho más limitado de lo que podría sospechar.

How long does it last?

In a perfect world, Instagram will inform you about the time lock period to use the "follow" action. This will depend on the activities completed beforehand and could be between 6 hours of obstruction and 7 days.

Reasons for Instagram to prevent the alternative to follow

We may not have understood that we have been ignoring Instagram guidelines, so below we will mention what those possible explanations are for Instagram has chosen to incidentally prevent tracking activity for you.

The moment a profile is new, Instagram can treat it as fake or bot, it doesn't matter if it has photographs, new profiles always have a high level of plausibility to be identified as bots. So in case you just joined Instagram, we suggest you relax, you would rather not do everything in one day.

Overabundance Tracking Request

This is the most obvious and common reason to limit the follow button on Instagram, in case you try to go from 200 to 2000 of a column in less than 48 hours, prepare to get a permanent block, this activity is rare in users, therefore, Instagram will identify improper behavior.

Bot behavior

As in the previous point, make follow-up requests in abundance, give a lot of likes, share like crazy or any activity that happens in abundance in a short period of time, can be identified as a robot, Instagram could imagine that you use a bot and you are not a genuine individual, be careful when doing this.

Denuncia de un Username

En el caso de que un usuarios reciba una solicitud para seguir el tuyo y ve algo que detesta en tu perfil, podrían reportarte el perfil de todos modos, esto no será suficiente, para que Instagram te impida las objeciones de sus usuario. , debe tener una cantidad decente, también entonces la organización interpersonal se asegurará de que be tan evidente.

Many followers in a short period of time

The main reason Instagram hinders "Follow" activity is to use this to gain numerous followers in a short period of timeIn all honesty, Instagram has exceptionally wise algorithms and effectively distinguish when a profile has been made. with different goals, so if you need to have an Instagram account with a lot of followers, but not clogged or accidentally deleted by the middle of the year, better focus on working legally.

Can the short Instagram follow frame last longer than several weeks?

No, Instagram usually does not prevent tracking activity for quite a long time, in most cases this short episode lasts a couple of hours or 2 days maximum, however this will depend on the causes and violations you have received. Also, remember that in case you are not satisfied with the block you can complain and Instagram will investigate your case. However, your complaint survey may take longer than your short box.