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Learn how to boost your Internet signal to make it stronger, go further, and give you faster Internet speeds.

Si no obtienes las velocidades de Internet que pagas, probablemente la razón be la señal de tu router de Internet inalámbrico. Aunque muchos factores afectan a las velocidades de Internet, tu señal Wi-Fi puede mejorar o interrumpir tu experiencia de Internet en casa.

When Facebook no se cargue debido a la lentitud de Internet, puede ser el momento de hacer que su señal Wi-Fi sea más fuerte en casa. Utilice alguno o todos los consejos siguientes para mejorar su señal Wi-Fi y acelerar su Internet. Conseguiras una excelente, aunque tengas

5 ways to boost your Wi-Fi and make your internet faster


Before you give up on the fast Wi-Fi you've always dreamed of, try these simple tips and tricks to recharge your home Wi-Fi. The following five recommendations can increase the speed and quality of your Wi-Fi, even if you are paying for the cheaper internet.

1. Upgrade your security to cut bandwidth leeches

Additional users slow down your Internet connection by taking up Internet bandwidth. If no protection is added to the Wi-Fi network, the network is opened up to exploiters. That's why Wired recommends that all homeowners protect access to their routers with a complex password and WPA2 security.

Keeping your home Wi-Fi network safe from intruders is doubly important if your home is automated. Bandwidth is used by all connected devices, and the more external devices that use your network, the less likely it is that automated devices in your home will get the bandwidth they need. Also, if network security is not maintained, strangers can have too much control over the coffeemaker, air conditioner, or automated security system.

2. Optimize your router settings

Testing different settings on the router could improve the signal strength and speeds in your home.

Algunos routers tienen configuraciones de entretenimiento que priorizan el ancho de banda mientras juegas a los videojuegos o transmites contents. Esta strategy es menos efectiva cuando varios usuarios comparten una conexión Wi-Fi simultáneamente, así que intenta desactivar la configuración de entretenimiento.

Restablece los umbrales de solicitud de envío (RTS) en tu router. Esencialmente, el protocolo de umbral RTS borra un channel de transmisión de datos antes de que se envíen paquetes de datos en él. En una red Wi-Fi llena de gente, como un complejo de apartamentos, establecer el umbral RTS en un número menor podría ayudar a mejorar el rendimiento de la red Wi-Fi.

You can also play around with router fragmentation and RTS threshold settings. Setting the fragmentation threshold to a lower value can help data packets transfer more efficiently and improve network reliability issues. However, setting the threshold to a smaller data packet size can decrease network performance if you already have a reliable network.


3. Choose a new Wi-Fi channel

Try changing your router from a standard 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi channel to a 5 GHz channel to increase your internet speed, which should mean higher bandwidth and less interference.

Both the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz frequencies offer multiple Internet transmission channels, but 2.4 GHz only offers 14 channels that overlap, while 5 GHz offers 23 channels that do not overlap. Channel overlap can cause data packets traveling across neighboring channels to interfere with each other, clogging bandwidth and slowing down the connection.

Some routers are limited to the 2.4 GHz band. If your router is limited to 2.4 GHz, choose channel 1, 6, or 11. These channels are the least overlapping with each other, especially if you can make your Neighbors use channels 1, 6, or 11 only.

4. Get a newer, higher-quality router

The biggest problem slowing down your home Wi-Fi connection may be your old router. Fortunately, there are many advantages to buying a new router, so you would be investing in more than just faster Internet speeds.

A new router could also offer you better home security features and be compatible with a broader spectrum of devices. Additional security and compatibility help homeowners interested in automating their home or making their network more secure.

5. Restart your router.

It sounds simple, but sometimes restarting the router can speed up the internet. In the same way that restarting your computer can suddenly fix unknown computer problems, restarting your wireless router can alleviate Internet connection problems and increase speed.