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In this guide, we will show you how to fix Archeage error 1005: cannot apply updates. Securing trade routes and participating in naval battles are some of the most outstanding features of this MMORPG game. While the game modes, missions, and tests are commendable, there are a couple of issues that bother some users. For this purpose, the 1005 error is one of the most frequent.

El error mencionado previamente puede deberse a varios motivos. Inicialmente, puede ser un archivo game_pak dañado o un obstáculo con el archivo de actualización Glyph.exe. De manera semejante, puede ser provocado por un archivo de juego dañado en la carpeta AppData. En algunos casos, su firewall o programa antivirus pueden acceder en conflicto con el juego si funciona correctamente.
If files from previous updates remain, there may also be problems. With this in mind, this guide lists all possible solutions for the above problems, which, in turn, fixes Archeage error 1005: updates cannot be applied. There is no universal solution to the same problem, so it is recommended to try each of these solutions until you are successful.
Ejecute el client as administrator
- Find the Glyph folder (generally C: Program Files (x86) Glyph).
- Right-click on the GlyphClient.
- Click on Properties.
- Click on the "Compatibility" tab.
- Select the "Run this program as administrator" check box.
- Click Apply, then click OK.
- Try to patch it.
Add an exception to the firewall / antivirus

Frecuentemente, la fuente de un parche puede ser un firewall o un software antivirus. Siga las instrucciones a continuación para agregar ArcheAge a su Firewall de Windows.
- Open the control panel.
- Click on "System and Security". (Windows XP users choose Windows Firewall these days.)
- Click Windows Firewall.
- Click Allow program or functions to run through Windows Firewall.
- Click the "Change Settings" button above.
- Click on "Authorize another program ...".
- Click on "Evaluate".
- Go to the place where you installed the game (generally C: Program Files (x86) Glyph).
- Select the application file named "GlyphClient" and click "Open".
Please try again at this stage. If this doesn't work, you can temporarily disable your firewall and antivirus. If this works, you can apply the full answer and later re-enable your firewall and antivirus.
Delete the game_pak file
One of the most common 1005 bug fixes is finding and deleting a Bin32 file named game_pak. Several affected users confirmed that this update helped them install the game or complete the pending update.
In most cases, this problem occurs due to a data conflict in the game_pak. If you uninstall it, the game will start without any data on previous installation / update attempts.
- Open Explorer (or "My Computer" in an earlier version of Windows) and go to the following place:
- C: Program Files (x86) Glyph Archeage Live
- When you're in the right place, double-click the Bin32 folder to access it. Then scroll through the file listing and find the file named game_pak.
- Once you find the file, right-click on it and select "Delete" to remove it from the game folder.
- After deleting the game_pak file, restart your computer and restart the game. Repeat the action that previously caused the 1005 error.
Run the glyph.exe file as administrator

glyph.exe is one of the important files that will help you to automatically update this game. Regardless, to do your job effectively, you must have the necessary access to the folder where it was installed. If you do not obtain the necessary permissions, several problems can arise. To run this file as an administrator, follow these steps:
- Run Explorer on your computer and navigate to the following location:
- C: Program Files (x86) Glyph Archeage Live Bin32
- Now right click on the glyph.exe file and select Properties.
- To do this, go to the "Compatibility" tab.
- Then click on the option to run this program as administrator.
- Click "Apply" and then click "OK". Restart the game and start the game. Check to see if "Archeage Error 1005: Updates cannot be applied" has been corrected.
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