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El código de error 0xC8000247 frecuentemente se muestra cuando Windows intenta buscar e instalar actualizaciones utilizando el Servicio de actualización automática, o cuando el Username intenta instalar manualmente una actualización de Windows en particular utilizando el programa Instalador independiente de Windows Update en una computadora con Windows 7 o Vista. Otro síntoma del problema 0xC8000247 es que Microsoft Security Essentials (o Windows Defender) no puede actualizar o descargar la base de datos de virus (definiciones).
Las actualizaciones no son más que mejoras al software actual, puede haber actualizaciones de seguridad para proteger su computadora de ataques de virus y malware. En general, el sistema operativo Windows está configurado para verificar e instalar actualizaciones de forma automática a través de su servicio interno llamado Windows Update.
If the problem is "0xC8000247", the user may receive one of the following error messages:
"Windows Update service is not running"
“Windows Update could not be run”
"The installer encountered an error: 0xC8000247"
In this tutorial, you will find the most effective ways to fix error 0xC8000247 in Windows Update (Windows Standalone Installer Found Error: 0xC8000247).
Why is your computer getting a Windows update error?
Hay varios motivos por las que cualquier computadora puede tener problemas con el client del servicio Windows Update en el sistema operativo,
- Problemas de firewall
- Internet connection problems
- Problems with file system corruption
- Corrupted Windows Update Service
Here, you need to perform the steps according to the causes of this error code 0xc8000247 in Windows Update Client / Windows Update Service.
How to compile the WindowsUpdate.log file
- Click the Start button, type “WindowsUpdate.log” (without quotes) in the search bar, and press Access. We will see a file called “WindowsUpdate.log”.
- Now click on the “File” menu and then on “Save As”.
- Click on "Desktop" on the left side and then on the Save button.
Run the System File Checker tool.
This should be the first main processing if you receive an update error. System File Checker carefully scans your entire computer for corrupted or missing system files and replaces them with a new one. You do not need to find this tool online because it is a command line utility that is easy to use.
Step 1: Open Command Prompt as administrator. Go to the Start menu and search for the command. Right-click the command prompt and choose Run as administrator.
Step 2: Type the following command and press Access.
sfc / scannow
Windows operating system reset
NOTE: Only try this option if you don't have a lot of data on your computer because it takes some time to backup existing files and reinstall your current application.
- If you're using Windows 10, basically type "RESET computer" into the Cortana search bar (search with the Windows Start button) and select RESET computer from the list of results.
- Then click the Start button under RESET computer to continue.
- There are two options to keep your files clean (you have to backup your desktop files, images, downloads, and documents before proceeding with the full cleanup).
- After the reboot, you can perform the updates cleanly without any problems.
RECOMMENDED: Click here to fix Windows errors and get the most out of your system performance