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Hay muchos informes de usuarios de Youtube que encuentran el error «Solicitud no válida, autenticación caducada» al intentar publicar uno (o más) videos en la plataforma para compartir videos. El problema de forma general se informa cuando el Username intenta publicarlo publicando el video.
When downloading, do not connect to another Youtube account.
Como han señalado varios usuarios, este problema en particular además puede ocurrir si ha iniciado sesión en otra cuenta de Google desde la misma computadora mientras descargaba el video.
Even though we could not find an official explanation for it, users believe that this behavior is probably a YouTube security mechanism to protect against abuse.
Unsurprisingly, the answer in this case is pretty simple. You will need to download the video again and make sure you are not logging into another Google account while the video is uploading.
Borre la memoria cache, las cookies y el historial de su browser.
Enter the following information in the browser bar:
chrome: / / Parameters / ClearBrowserData
- Click Advanced at the top of the Clear browsing data window.
- Select the following:
- Browsing history
- download history
- Cookies y otros datos del portal Web
- Image and file caching
In the Time interval drop-down menu, you can choose the period over which you want to clear the cached information. To delete your cache completely, select All the time.
Exit all browser windows and reopen the browser.
Remove the download helper extensions
- Open the Start menu.
- Click the power button icon in the right corner of the new Start menu to display the Power Options menu.
- Hold down the SHIFT key on the keyboard and click the Restart option while holding down the SHIFT key.
Windows 10 restarts. Then proceed as follows:
Click the troubleshooting icon, then Advanced Options -> Startup Settings. Click Restart.
After restarting, click Enable safe mode with network (option 5).
Hold down the Windows key and the R key, copy and paste the following items, then click OK:
notebook% windir% / system32 /driver/ etc / hosts
The A.txt file opens; do not touch anything. If you have been hacked and someone has access to your computer, there will be other IP addresses related to you below.
Find aids for downloading videos. Remove it by clicking Disable.
RECOMMENDED: Click here to fix Windows errors and get the most out of your system performance