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✅ ExtShield warns you about malicious Chrome extensions

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With quite a few Google Chrome plugins reported to go rogue, you never know precisely what the amplitude will bring to your Windows computer. You may not yet know that the newly installed amplitude has been flagged as adware and sooner or later it may interfere with your computer. So what would you do to not become a victim here? ExtShield, a Chrome extension, tells you if you are using any of the Chrome plugins identified as malware, spyware, or malware.

ExtShield protects you from malicious Chrome extensions

ExtShield, previously known as chrome guard, protects your computer from over 100 commercial promo, spyware or malware extensions available today on the Chrome online store and used by millions of people. Another advantage of ExtShield is that it updates the blacklist of new plugins to protect your computer from new threats.

ExtShield extension functions

  • Stops over 100 Adware, malware and spyware plugins found today in the Chrome web store.
  • As shown below, ExtShield alerts you if you install or blacklist an extension.
  • Minimizes tracking and marketing even if an adware/spyware extension is installed.
  • It does not monitor the behavior of blacklisted extensions to detect malicious patterns.
  • The shield code is protected to prevent malware developers from circumventing it.

Using the ExtShield amplitude

After installation, you can click the sign in the top right corner of your web portal to see the status of your other installed extensions.

To install ExtShield, it requires the following permissions:

  • Access your data on all websites
  • Access your tabs and browsing activities.
  • Manage your apps, extensions and themes

After installation, ExtShield tracks plug-ins added to your computer and alerts you when you install something that captures your activity. Later you can click on the amplitude you are using and compare it with the black list.

You can check for suspicious extensions at any time by clicking the ExtShield icon. When I clicked on it, I got the message No Malware on my computer.

The developer recommends a central knowledge center for real-time blacklist updates. ExtShield should inform users in the future if an installed extension is suspected of being malware or adware.

You can download the ExtShield amplitude from the Google Webstore and start scanning for malicious extensions right away.

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