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Cómo eliminar la cuenta de Gmail de forma permanentePuedes eliminar tu cuenta de Gmail de forma permanente sin tener que eliminar toda la cuenta de Google, y al mismo tiempo puedes utilizar todos los demás servicios de Google como Youtube, Play, etc. El proceso requiere múltiples pasos de verificación y confirmación pero es bastante simple y fácil.


What you should know about Gmail account deletion

  • Todos tus correos y mensajes se perderán completamente una vez que la cuenta de Gmail be eliminada.
  • Emails will continue to be present in the accounts of those with whom you have communicated.
  • Your Google account will not be completely deleted. Data such as search history related to other Google services is not deleted.
  • Anyone who emails their deleted account will receive an error message on delivery.
  • Tu nombre de Username no se liberará tras eliminar tu cuenta de Gmail. Ni tú ni nadie más podrá volver a utilizar ese nombre de usuario.
  • You can recover your deleted Gmail account and all your emails in a few weeks after deletion. After that, you can still get the Gmail address back but you will lose all your emails.

What to do before deleting your Gmail account

  • You may want to inform your friends or colleagues before deleting your account because once it is deleted, you will not be able to receive or send any email.
  • You may want to update the email address information for all other types of accounts that are linked to this Gmail account, such as social media accounts, bank accounts, or another Gmail account that uses this account as email. electronic recovery.
  • You may want to download your emails before deleting your account.

To download your emails:

1.Access Gmail and open your Google account.

2.Click on the "Data and Personalization" section under your account.


3.Then click on "Download your data".


4.Select the data you want to download and follow the instructions.

To view third-party applications linked to your Gmail account:

1.Access Gmail and go to your Google account.

2.Go to the security section.

3.Scroll down to find "Third Party Apps with Account Access".


How to delete Gmail account permanently

1.Go to the Gmail account you want to delete.


2.Click on your profile picture and then on "Google Account" to open your Google account.

3.Click on "Data and Personalization" in the list on the left side of the page.


4. Scroll down the page to block $0027 Download, delete or make a plan for your data $0027.

5.In this block, click on «Delete a service or your account».


6.A new page will open. Click on "Remove a Google service."


7. The Gmail login window will open. Log back into your current account.

8. It will ask for verification. Click Next to send a 6-digit verification code to your mobile number.


9.Enter the code and click Next.

10.You will get a list of Google services linked to your Google account.

11.Click the Trash (Delete) icon next to Gmail. A message will appear.


12.Enter any email other than your current Gmail to be used by other Google services in the future. It will become your new username for your Google account.


Note: You cannot use another Gmail address as an alternate email.

13.Click "SEND VERIFICATION EMAIL" to verify.


14. You will receive an email from Google at your alternate email address.


15.Ve al link de eliminación que se proporciona en el correo electrónico.

16.You may need to log into your Gmail account again to verify.

17.Click the "Delete Gmail" button to permanently delete the Gmail account.


Your Gmail account has been permanently deleted. You can access your Google account and other Google services with the alternate email address that you have provided.

Hope the above steps were helpful and now you can easily delete Gmail account permanently, but if you still have any questions about this tutorial, feel free to ask them in the comment section.