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Cierre de la cuenta de Gmail or from Google automáticamente:¿Con qué frecuencia olvida cerrar la sesión de su cuenta de Gmail en el dispositivo de su amigo o en el PC de su universidad? Muchas veces, ¿verdad? Y esto no puede ignorarse porque todos tus correos electrónicos y tus datos personales están expuestos a persons que ni siquiera conoces, y tu cuenta de Google es vulnerable a cualquier tipo de uso indebido o tal vez a los piratas informáticos. Otra cosa de la que no nos damos cuenta en tal situación es que puede que no be sólo tu Gmail la que esté en riesgo, puede que sea toda tu cuenta de Google que incluye tu historial de búsqueda de Youtube y Google, Google Calendars y Docs, etc. Habrás notado que cuando inicias sesión en tu cuenta de Gmail en Chrome, la imagen de la pantalla aparece en la esquina superior derecha de la ventana.


This is because when you access any Google service like Gmail or YouTube on Chrome, you automatically access Chrome as well. And forgetting to log out can be even more disastrous because of this, as your passwords, bookmarks, etc. they are also there. But do you know that there are ways to log out of your account on all devices together, remotely?

Disconnection from Gmail or Google account automatically

So, wasting no time, let's review this article to learn more about the different ways you can automatically log out of your Google or Gmail account.


Más vale prevenir que curar. Así que, ¿por qué no te salvas de meterte en esa situación en primer lugar? Si quieres que la sesión de Gmail se cierre automáticamente, utiliza el modo de navegación privada de tu browser Web, por ejemplo, el modo de incógnito de Chrome, para acceder a tu cuenta. En dicho modo, tan pronto como cierres la ventana, saldrás de la cuenta.


Puedes abrir la ventana de incógnito en cromo pulsando Ctrl+Mayús+N. O haz clic en «Nueva ventana de incógnito» en el menú de tres puntos de la esquina superior derecha de la ventana de Chrome. Alternativamente, en Mozilla Firefox, haz clic en el botón de hamburguesas y selecciona «Nueva ventana privada» en el menú desplegable.


Si quieres salir de algún dispositivo en el que antes habías accedido a Gmail pero que ahora no está a tu scope, Google te ofrece una salida. Para cerrar la sesión de tu cuenta en todos los dispositivos anteriores,

  1. Access your Gmail account from any PC.
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the window.
  3. You will see 'Last account activity'. Click on "Details". scroll-down-to-the-bottom-of-the-gmail-window-and-click-on-details-under-last-account-activity-6495305
  4. In the new window, click "Close all other Gmail web sessions." click-sign-out-all-other-gmail-web-sessions-6012072
  5. This will disconnect you from all devices at once.

This is the easiest method through which you can log out of Gmail or Google account automatically, but if you want to secure your Google account then you should definitely use the following method.


In the two-step verification, your password is not sufficient to access your account. In this case, the account can only be accessed using the phone as the second login step. Google will send a secure notification to your phone as a second factor during 2-step verification. You can also control which phones receive the notifications. To configure this,

  • Open your Google account.
  • Click $0027Security$0027.
  • Click on "Two-Step Verification."


Now every time your account is accessed, a prompt / text message will be needed on your phone as a second verification step.

In case of warning, when you enter the Gmail password, a warning will appear on your phone asking you to press the Yes button to verify that it is you. In the case of a text message, you must enter a 6-digit code, which is sent to your mobile, for the second verification step. Make sure not to check the "Do not ask again on this computer" box while connecting.



If you share your computer with a family member or relative, it can be very difficult to remember that you have logged out each time you use your account. In such a case, the chrome Auto Logout extension can help you. Exits all logged in accounts as soon as you close the window, so your password is required every time someone wants to log in. To add this extension,

  • Open a new tab in chrome.
  • Click on "Apps" and then on "Web Store."
  • Look for automatic logout in the search box.
  • Select the extension you want to add.
  • Click "Add to Chrome" to add the extension. use-auto-logout-chrome-extension-9778754
  • You can view your extensions by clicking on the three-dot menu in the upper right corner of the chrome window. Go to "More tools" and then to "extensions" to activate or deactivate any extension.

These were some of the steps through which you can protect your account from threats and maintain your privacy.

Hope the above steps have been helpful to you and now you know how to log out of Gmail or Google account automatically, but if you still have any questions about this tutorial, feel free to ask them in the comments section.