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We'll show you how to view an RPT file that you've found on your computer or received as an email attachment, and what it's for.


What is an RPT file?(*10*)

An RPT file duration file is probably a type of report file, but knowing how to open it depends on the program that uses it, since reports with the .RPT breadth can be used by various applications.

A modo de ejemplo, algunos archivos RPT son archivos de Crystal Reports creados con el programa SAP Crystal Reports. Estos informes pueden contener datos de una gama de bases de datos que probablemente sean absolutamente interactivas y clasificables en el software Crystal Reports.

Another report file format that uses the RPT suffix is the AccountEdge report file created with the AccountEdge Pro software. These reports can have anything to do with accounting and payroll, sales, and warehousing.

Other RPT files can only be text files that are accepted by a range of reporting applications.

To open an RPT file in Windows 10:(*10*)

Since most RPT files are stored in text format, most files can be opened with a text editor such as Microsoft Notepad or Apple TextEdit. If the RPT file is saved in a proprietary format, you will most likely have to use the program that created the file to open it.

In Windows 10, if you don't use the proper software to open an RPT file, you'll get a message that says, “How do you want to open this file? Windows 10 cannot open this file”.

There are three main cases in which RPT files are created.

  • Crystal Reports (a corporate reporting program): This program creates some RPT files. These reports may contain data from multiple databases and will most likely be fully interactive and sortable in this software.
  • AccountEdge Pro (a business accounting management program): Another report file format that uses the RPT file duration is the AccountEdge report file created with this program.
  • These files can cover everything from accounting and payroll to sales and inventory.
  • Other RPT files can be plain text files that are compatible with a range of reporting applications.



  • Crystal Reports versions 6 and 8
  • Visual Studio / ASP.NET
  • Flexera installation plate


Tenga cuidado de no cambiar el nombre de la amplitud a.rpt u otros archivos. Esto no cambiará el tipo de archivo. Solo un software de conversion especial puede cambiar un archivo de un tipo de archivo a otro.

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