¿Cuánto cuesta crear una página Web or ecommerce? Pues depende… Depende de si se requiere diseño personalizado o una plantilla, si necesita programming a medida o funciona mediante plugins o si, por ejemplo, se trata de Woocommerce vs Shopify (among other things).
Y es que, además de saber el precio de desarrollar una web, cuando se trata de un eCommerce surgen preguntas específicas como “¿es mejor Woocommerce o Shopify?”, pues gracias al dropshipping Shopify se ha vuelto realmente muy popular en los últimos tiempos.
How much does it cost to make a website or online store is the eternal question that many companies and professionals find themselves with before venturing to position their brands on the Internet, since the answer they always get is "it depends". No more.
Hoy vamos a meterme en este terreno pantanoso para que te hagas una idea aproximada de cuánto cuesta hacer una página web profesional para una empresa, freelance o negocio ecommerce y, así, llegar a ella tú mismo.
How much does the design of a website or ecommerce cost?
If discovering how much it costs to make a professional or ecommerce website for a company is a challenge, it is not because independent designers, programmers, small or large marketing agencies have gotten the hang of it, but because before asking 'how much 'you have to specify' the what '.
And why do we say this? Because, just to start, there are tons of types of web pages that adapt to some needs or others.
Por ejemplo, no implica el mismo trabajo y coste el desarrollo web para un hotel o ecommerce con un largo catálogo de productos, que diseñar un Blog personal.
It depends, yes, it depends ... if what you want is to set up a static website with a shabby and old-fashioned template (which your friend on duty can do for free) or create a website that gives your brand a presence:
- Content management functions.
- Elaborate design.
- Multi language.
- User registration and access.
- Shopping cart.
How to check how much it costs to create a web page?
If you are looking to launch your business and check the price of a website, it is very possible that a priori you have no idea about the process for it and you cannot answer many of these questions.
But if you inform yourself a little before asking for a quote and answer (at least) some of them, you will be making it easier for them to give you a tighter budget:
- Do you need a completely new website or do you want to redesign the one you already have?
- ¿Necesitas comprar un domain o contratar un servicio de Hosting?
- Do you only need the design or also the programming?
- ¿Quieres reducir costes con un CMS tipo WordPress, Drupal o Shopif?, ¿o necesitas programación a medida?
- Do you have any idea about the result you want or a website for reference?
- Do you already have the content or do you need to update it frequently?
- ¿Cuántas páginas y funcionalidades quieres que tenga tu web?, ¿será solo una landing page de una única página?
- Is it an ecommerce to sell physical products? How many products is it?
➽ Types of website for online businesses
In short, to know how much it costs to make a professional website for your company or online business that sells physical products, you have to first determine what type of page you need.
It is likely that you do not know exactly what it is that suits your needs, and that the agency you decide to work with will help guide you. Even so, surely your idea fits into one of the types of web page out there. Knowing this will help you when you see how much it costs to design a web page:
- Corporate or presentation website: Among business web pages, this is the most common type. It includes a section about the company and the team that works in it, describes what the company does, what products or services it offers, where it is located and what customers it has.
- Landing page: Este tipo de páginas web de aterrizaje están orientadas a campañas de captación de leads. Son sitios web a los que llega el Username después de haber hecho clic en una campaña de online advertising. Aquí se promociona un servicio o producto concreto y se solicitan los datos del usuarios y otro tipo de acción que se espere de ellos.
- Online catalog of services: It is very similar to the corporate website but includes detailed information on each and every one of the services offered. Users can contract the services here or contact the company. It is usually a more complete website than the corporate one.
- eCommerce: An online store where users have access to buy products. It can be just an eCommerce or also include a part of the corporate website that describes the company. These are usually created with WordPress and plugins for Woocommerce, to add all the products you offer and configure the internal pages.
Note: Una de las principales ventajas de trabajar con Woocommerce, es que se trata de un CMS totalmente gratuito que, además, nos ofrece un gran repositorio de plugins (muchos gratuitos). No obstante, hay otros aspectos que dan ventaja a Shopify, como la facilidad de uso o el alojamiento en su propio server.
- Creative portfolio: Es para freelancers o agencias de diseño especialmente, aunque hoy en día hay muchos otros perfiles creativos que recurren a este tipo de página. Sirve para promocionar los trabajos realizados y trabajar el networking.
- Corporate blog: Puede que tu empresa ya tenga una página web y lo que estés buscando es un blog corporativo con el que trabajar la content strategy and the positioning SEO.
- Private areas: A site where certain users can access courses, subscriptions and other privileges that they want to have.
➽ Elements that define the price or cost of a simple website
In addition to thinking about the type of page you want, you also have to keep in mind what elements are going to be included when asking how much it costs to make a website for your company.
No es lo mismo una web corporativa con un par de páginas, que una que incluya widgets de redes sociales, un mapa o alguna sección interactiva. Tampoco es lo mismo esto que un eCommerce. ¿Cuánto cuesta el diseño de una página web con tienda online? Puede costar desde los 2.500€.
Let's see what basic elements should be included. Keep in mind that from here on the rest will be extras, and as such will have to be paid:
- Menu: Para poder acceder a las diferentes secciones de la página, que be accesible y sencillo de entender.
- Footer: Con la información legal como mínimo. A veces se sitúan aquí los enlaces a redes sociales y un pequeño sitemap.
- Slide or image gallery: He contents gráfico siempre atrae más a los usuarios, contar con una sección así será de mucha ayuda.
- Contact map: Hoy en día es casi imprescindible el widget con el mapa de Google maps. Es útil para que los usuarios vean dónde está tu negocio y calculen su ruta.
- Content: Con toda la información que quieras dar a los usuarios. A veces no se le da la importancia que tiene el copy, pero este va de la mano con el diseño para guiar y persuadir a tu client hacia la compra.
- Space for promotions: Es probable que de vez en cuando quieras poner un banner promocional o lanzar una oferta. Es bueno contar con un espacio para ello.
- Contact Form: Indispensable for users to contact you and to get leads.
This is the basic one to start with. From here, there is a wide range of possibilities in the form of widgets or plugins, even custom programming, but keep in mind that this will increase the price of your website.
Is it possible to launch your website or online store for € 200?
If we take the euro as the reference currency, it is possible that you will find cheap services that promise miracles for € 200, or for much less!
Eso sí, ya se sabe, lo barato sale caro, y si no acabas pagándolo en términos de pérdida de reputación online, es posible que tengas que contratar obligatoriamente un servicio de mantenimiento con quien te desarrolló la web, lo que a la larga multiplica exponencialmente el coste inicial.
How much does it cost to maintain a website? Web maintenance is important to carry out security updates, add-ons and integrations or even make changes to the web page to implement new content. This can usually be hired per month or annually (it is more profitable than counting it as a punctual service, which usually costs between € 20 and € 50 per hour).
Otra cuestión importante que debes plantearte es si tu público target está en otro país. Si es así, deberás traducir tu página web o implementar un plugin multi-idioma. Y, ¿cuánto cuesta traducir una página web? Suele rondar desde los 0,04 hasta los 0,08 €/palabra.
More about how much a website design costs
If your budget to make a website is tight and you are looking for something below € 450, it is clear that you will not be able to opt for too many features or too elaborate a design.
Pero, ¿cuánto cuesta que te diseñen una página web simple? El diseño gráfico puede rondar los 250 € y el Web design 800-900 €.
Although it is possible to get a standard website with some basic characteristics such as the following:
- Development with standard CMS (type WordPress, Drupal or Shopify).
- Responsive design.
- Contact form, cookie policy and links to social networks.
- Blog.
- Content management (although limited).
However, to achieve significantly increase sales through the Internet, you will need to get a self-managing website worthy of representing your brand, product or service and, therefore, adapt your budget and hire additional services such as the following:
1. Acquisition of domain and web hosting
Although you can get a domain and host it on a free site, this has limitations in terms of options and storage capacity. Surely you wonder how much a domain for a web page costs ... The truth is that it can cost from € 10 a year. It's worth it, right?
WordPress is one of the economic reference CMS, since it offers many facilities both to register or buy a domain (with or without the tag .wordpress.com), and to contract or not its Hosting service.
Given that their paid templates (and even the free ones) include many design tools, it is vital to hire a quality hosting service that supports all its functionalities and avoids web crashes (approximate annual cost of € 80-100).
2. Design and custom programming
Although the hiring of these services is the main cause of the increase in the final budget, in the long run these initial costs translate into a higher return on investment.
A web page, if created from a template, costs around 800 euros. But if you need to modify some programming or design on that template, the cost can exceed 1000 euros. In short, these are some guide prices, according to the needs of each project:
- A website with functionalities (external apps or private area): Starting at € 2,500.
- Basic eCommerce (without uploading the product catalog to the web): Starting at € 2,500.
- Web 100% to your measure (made from scratch with programming): From € 5,000.
3. Other services
Other additional services that you may need after having your website ready are:
- The web maintenance.
- Advanced functionalities.
- Rebranding or web redesign.
- Content creation.
- Multi languages.
- Campañas SEO para mejorar tu visibilidad en Google.
- Payment gateway.
Additional services according to the cost of a website
If you want to commit to your web project and decide to invest in additional services to obtain a quality result (which will hardly be an investment of less than € 800), you will find yourself facing a great dilemma, since the range of budgets that you to offer is really broad.
Los costes básicos y adicionales de desarrollar una web fluctúan de un país a otro y, además, pueden ser superiores si aportan un value added, como por ejemplo:
- Close and personalized service.
- Advice and availability.
- Punctuality in delivery times.
Due to the advantages of hiring a project freelancer, a large company can charge more for less. In this sense, the recommended equation is to hire:
- Optional additional services: Without the need to contract, for example, a mandatory maintenance service.
- Tangible value-added services: These must be real, and not in charge of covering the costs of the intermediaries of a large company.
Being big does not always mean providing the best quality.
How much does it cost to create a website in MadridNYC? MadridNYC's secret to retain its customers is none other than closeness and trust; since we take care of each project in detail, listening to the suggestions of each client throughout the process and adjusting the budget as much as possible, safeguarding quality.
Having said all this, the final great reflection arrived ...
How far do you want to go with your web project and what results do you hope to obtain? Are you aware of how much it costs to make a web page that fits your needs?