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the Post title widget is a Theme item. It is one of the available single post template widgets that is used to dynamically display the current post title.



  1. Title: Post title is the only option
  2. Link: Enter a URL, or more appropriately, select the Dynamic icon to choose a dynamic URL as the post URL
  3. Size: Select the title size, choosing from Default, S, M, L, XL or XXL. Additional size is available on the Style tab in the Typography options
  4. HTML tag: Set the header HTML tag to H1- H6, Div, Span or Paragraph
  5. Alignment: Aligns the post title to the left, right, center, or justified

Note: If you click on "Post Title", a pop-up window will appear allowing you to choose a Alternative title in the event that there is no publication title. This pop-up window also allows you to place static content before and / or after the post title.



  1. Text color: Choose the color of the title text
  2. Typography: Sets the font options for the title
  3. Text shadow: Add a shadow and blur to the post title
  4. Blend mode: Sets a blending mode for the title

Read the tutorial showing how to create a unique post template

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