Aprenda a utilizar la API de informes de la user experience de Chrome para obtener un acceso RESTful fácil a los datos de la experiencia del Username real en millones de sitios Web.
Fast loading times
the Chrome UX Report El conjunto de datos (CrUX) representa cómo los usuarios de Chrome en el mundo real experimentan los destinos populares en la web. Desde 2017, cuando el conjunto de datos consultables se lanzó por primera vez en BigQuery, los datos de campo de CrUX se han integrado en herramientas para desarrolladores como PageSpeed Insights, CrUX Dashboard and Search Console. Core Web Vitals Report, lo que permite a los desarrolladores medir y monitorear fácilmente las experiencias de los usuarios reales. La pieza que ha faltado todo este tiempo ha sido una herramienta que proporciona acceso gratuito y RESTful a los datos de CrUX mediante programming. Para ayudar a cerrar esa brecha, nos complace anunciar el lanzamiento de las nuevas Chrome UX Reporting API!
Esta API se ha creado con el target de proporcionar a los desarrolladores un acceso sencillo, rápido y completo a los datos de CrUX. La API de CrUX solo informa field user experience data, as opposed to existing PageSpeed Insights API, which also informs laboratory data from Lighthouse performance audits. The CrUX API is streamlined and can quickly serve user experience data, making it ideal for real-time auditing applications.
Para garantizar que los desarrolladores tengan acceso a todas las métricas que más importan (los elementos básicos de Web Vitals), la API de CrUX audita y supervisa la pintura de contents más grande (LCP), el retraso de la primera entrada (FID) y el cambio de diseño acumulativo (CLS) en ambos el origen y el nivel de Url.
So let's dive in and see how to use it!
Source data query
The origins in the CrUX dataset span all the underlying experiences at the page level. The following example demonstrates how to query the CrUX API to get user experience data from a source using cURL on the command line.
curl "https://chromeuxreport.googleapis.com/v1/records:queryRecord?key=$API_KEY"
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
--data '{"origin": "https://web.dev"}'
Run this query interactively on the CrUX API Explorer.
All API requests must provide a value for the key
in the example above it is left as a placeholder. Get your own private CrUX API key with the click of a button on the CrUX API documentation. For added convenience, the interactive CrUX API Explorer it does not require an API key.
the curl
The command consists of three parts:
- The endpoint of the API URL, including the caller's private API key.
- the
Content-Type: application / json
header, which indicates that the request body contains JSON. - The JSON encoding request body, specifying the
Para hacer lo mismo en JavaScript, use el CrUXApiUtil
utility, which makes the API call and returns the decoded response.
const CrUXApiUtil = {};
CrUXApiUtil.API_ENDPOINT = `https://chromeuxreport.googleapis.com/v1/records:queryRecord?key=${CrUXApiUtil.API_KEY}`;
CrUXApiUtil.query = function (requestBody) {
if (CrUXApiUtil.API_KEY == '[YOUR_API_KEY]') {
throw 'Replace "YOUR_API_KEY" with your private CrUX API key. Get a key at https://goo.gle/crux-api-key.';
return fetch(CrUXApiUtil.API_ENDPOINT, {
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify(requestBody)
}).then(response => response.json()).then(response => {
if (response.error) {
return Promise.reject(response);
return response;
Replace [YOUR_API_KEY]
with your wrench. Then call CrUXApiUtil.query
function and pass in the request body object.
origin: 'https://web.dev'
}).then(response => {
}).catch(response => {
If data exists for this source, the API response is a JSON-encoded object that contains metrics A representing the distribution of user experiences. The distribution metrics are histogram intervals and percentiles.
"record": {
"key": {
"origin": "https://web.dev"
"metrics": {
"largest_contentful_paint": {
"histogram": [
"start": 0,
"end": 2500,
"density": 0.7925068547983514
"start": 2500,
"end": 4000,
"density": 0.1317422195536863
"start": 4000,
"density": 0.07575092564795324
"percentiles": {
"p75": 2216
the start
and end
properties of histogram
The object represents the range of values that users experience for the given metric. the density
The property represents the proportion of user experiences within that range. In this example, the 79% of LCP user experiences on all web.dev pages are below 2500 milliseconds, which is the "good" LCP threshold. the percentiles.p75
The value means that the 75% of user experiences in this distribution is less than 2216 milliseconds. Learn more about the response structure in the response body documentation.
When the CrUX API doesn't have any data for a given origin, it responds with a JSON-encoded error message:
"error": {
"code": 404,
"message": "chrome ux report data not found",
"status": "NOT_FOUND"
Para depurar este error, primero verifique que el origen solicitado be navegable públicamente. Puede probar esto ingresando el origen en la barra de URL de su browser y comparándolo con la URL final después de cualquier redirect. Los problemas comunes incluyen agregar u omitir innecesariamente el subdomain y usar el protocolo HTTP incorrecto.
If the requested origin it is the browsable version, this error can also occur if the source has an insufficient number of samples. All sources and URLs included in the dataset must have a sufficient number of samples to anonymize individual users. Also, the origins and URLs must be publicly traceable. Refer to CrUX methodology for more information on how websites are included in the dataset.
URL data query
You have seen how to query the CrUX API for the overall user experience in a source. To restrict the results to a particular page, use the url
request parameter.
curl "https://chromeuxreport.googleapis.com/v1/records:queryRecord?key=$API_KEY"
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
--data '{"url": "https://web.dev/fast/"}'
This cURL command is similar to the source example, except that the request body uses the url
parameter to specify the page to search for.
To query URL data from the CrUX API in JavaScript, call CrUXApiUtil.query
function using the url
parameter in the request body.
url: 'https://web.dev/fast/'
}).then(response => {
}).catch(response => {
If data for this URL exists in the CrUX dataset, the API will return a JSON-encoded response like the one shown below.
"record": {
"key": {
"url": "https://web.dev/fast/"
"metrics": {
"largest_contentful_paint": {
"histogram": [
"start": 0,
"end": 2500,
"density": 0.8477304539092148
"start": 2500,
"end": 4000,
"density": 0.08988202359528057
"start": 4000,
"density": 0.062387522495501155
"percentiles": {
"p75": 1947
True to form, the results show that https://web.dev/fast/
it has an 85% of "good" LCP experiences and a 75th percentile of 1,947 milliseconds, which is slightly better than the whole source distribution.
URL normalization
The CrUX API can normalize the requested URLs to better match the list of known URLs. For example, query the URL https://web.dev/fast/#measure-performance-in-the-field
will result in data for https://web.dev/fast/
due to standardization. When this happens, a urlNormalizationDetails
The object will be included in the response.
"record": {
"key": {
"url": "https://web.dev/fast/"
"metrics": { ... }
"urlNormalizationDetails": {
"normalizedUrl": "https://web.dev/fast/",
"originalUrl": "https://web.dev/fast/#measure-performance-in-the-field"
Learn more about URL normalization in the CrUX documentation.
Query by form factor
Key term:
A form factor is the type of device on which a user visits a website. Common device types include desktops, phones, and tablets.
User experiences can vary significantly based on website optimizations, network conditions, and user devices. To better understand these differences, dig into the origin and performance of the URL using the formFactor
CrUX API dimension.
The API supports three explicit form factor values: DESKTOP
. In addition to the origin or URL, specify one of these values in the request body to restrict results to user experiences only. The following example demonstrates how to query the API by form factor using cURL.
curl "https://chromeuxreport.googleapis.com/v1/records:queryRecord?key=$API_KEY"
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
--data '{"url": "https://web.dev/fast/", "formFactor": "PHONE"}'
To query the CrUX API for form factor specific data using JavaScript, call CrUXApiUtil.query
function using the url
and formFactor
parameters in the request body.
url: 'https://web.dev/fast/',
formFactor: 'PHONE'
}).then(response => {
}).catch(response => {
Skipping the formFactor
parameter is equivalent to requesting data for all form factors combined.
"record": {
"key": {
"url": "https://web.dev/fast/",
"formFactor": "PHONE"
"metrics": {
"largest_contentful_paint": {
"histogram": [
"start": 0,
"end": 2500,
"density": 0.778631284916204
"start": 2500,
"end": 4000,
"density": 0.13943202979515887
"start": 4000,
"density": 0.08193668528864119
"percentiles": {
"p75": 2366
the key
the response field will echo the formFactor
Request setup to confirm that only phone experiences are included.
The more detailed the request, for example a specific URL and form factor combination, the fewer user experiences it will include. This can lead to more frequent "not found" errors, especially when viewing less popular URLs or the less popular type of tablet device.
Recuerde de la sección anterior que el 85% de las experiencias de los usuarios en esta página tenían un LCP «bueno». Compare eso con las experiencias específicas del teléfono, de las cuales solo el 78% se consideran «buenas». El percentil 75 también es más lento entre las experiencias telefónicas, pasando de 1.947 milisegundos a 2.366 milisegundos. La segmentation por factor de forma tiene el potencial de resaltar disparidades más extremas en las experiencias de los usuarios.
Core Web Vitals performance evaluation
The Core Web Vitals program defines goals that help determine whether a user experience or distribution of experiences can be considered "good." In the following example, we use the CrUX API and the CrUXApiUtil.query
function to evaluate whether the distribution of Core Web Vitals metrics (LCP, FID, CLS) of a web page is "good".
url: 'https://web.dev/fast/'
}).then(response => {
}).catch(response => {
function assessCoreWebVitals(response) {
CORE_WEB_VITALS.forEach(metric => {
const data = response.record.metrics[metric];
if (!data) {
console.log('No data for', metric);
const p75 = data.percentiles.p75;
const threshold = data.histogram[0].end;
const passes = p75 < threshold;
console.log(`The 75th percentile (${p75}) of ${metric} ` +
`${passes ? 'passes' : 'does not pass'} ` +
`the Core Web Vitals "good" threshold (${threshold}).`)
The API can only be called with one origin or URL at a time. To evaluate multiple websites or pages, make separate API calls.
The results show that this page passes the Core Web Vitals assessments for all three metrics.
The 75th percentile (1973) of largest_contentful_paint passes the Core Web Vitals "good" threshold (2500).
The 75th percentile (20) of first_input_delay passes the Core Web Vitals "good" threshold (100).
The 75th percentile (0.05) of cumulative_layout_shift passes the Core Web Vitals "good" threshold (0.10).
Combined with an automated way of monitoring API results, CrUX data can be used to ensure that user experiences get fast and stay fast. For more information on Core Web Vitals and how to measure them, see Web Vitals and Tools for Measuring Core Web Vitals.
Whats Next?
The features included in the initial release of the CrUX API only scratch the surface of the types of information that are possible with CrUX. Users of the CrUX dataset in BigQuery may be familiar with some of the more advanced features, including:
- Additional metrics
- Additional dimensions
- month
- country
- effective connection type (ECT)
- Additional granularity
- detailed histograms
- more percentiles
Over time, we hope to integrate more of these features with the ease of use and free pricing of the CrUX API to enable new ways to explore data and discover insights into the state of user experiences on the web.
Take a look at the official CrUX API documents to acquire your API key and explore more sample applications. We hope you give it a try and would love to hear any questions or comments you may have, so reach out to us at CrUX discussion forum. And to stay up to date with everything we have planned for the CrUX API, subscribe to CrUX Ads Forum o síguenos en Twitter in @ChromeUXReport.