Tired of seeing Continue viewing posts on the cover of Netflix? Avoid worrying, this guide will explain how to remove the "Continue watching on Netflix" items.
Netflix: Netflix is an American media service provider founded in 1997. It is an online video streaming service that allows its customers to watch premium TV shows, movies, documentaries, and many more. It has videos related to quite a few genres like romance, comedy, horror, thriller, fiction, etc. You can watch any number of videos without being interrupted by any ads. The only thing that is required to use Netflix is a good internet connection.
Hay muchas buenas características en Netflix que lo hacen sobresalir de muchas otras apps. Evidentemente, las cosas buenas nunca son gratuitas. Por lo tanto, en comparación con otras apps similares a Netflix, es un poco caro, lo que hace que los usuarios se lo piensen dos veces antes de suscribirse. Pero para resolver este dilema de la gente que toma una subscription de Netflix, Netflix viene con una nueva característica que una cuenta de Netflix puede ser ejecutada en diversos dispositivos al mismo tiempo, pero un número de dispositivos en los que Netflix puede funcionar son limitados o fijos. Debido a esto, ahora la gente compra una cuenta y puede ejecutarla en diversos dispositivos, lo que reduce la presión monetaria de una persona que compró esa cuenta puesto que varias persons pueden compartir esa cuenta.
El motivo detrás del meteórico ascenso de Netflix es el contents original producido por ellos. No todos lo sabemos, pero Netflix ha gastado más de 6.000 millones de dólares en la producción de contenido original.
Netflix ofrece una de las mejores interfaces de Username en el mundo de los sitios de streaming online de primera calidad. En Netflix, todo es bastante intuitivo, desde la sinopsis hasta la vista previa del vídeo. Esto compensa la pereza de la experiencia de observar.
No matter which device you use, Netflix will remember what you last watched, and will show it at the top in the "continue watching" section so you can keep watching.
Now, imagine you're watching a show and you don't want the whole world to know, but if someone logs into your account, they'll still see your "continue watching" section. So what should you do to get rid of this?
Now that you know that removing movies and shows from the "watch list" is an alternative, you should also know that it is a tedious task. At the same time, removing items from the "keep watching" list is not feasible on all platforms; it can't be done on a smart TV, and on some console versions. The best thing would be to use a PC / laptop to do this.
Si buscas la solución a la pregunta anterior, entonces sigue leyendo este post.
Posteriormente de leer la característica anterior de Netflix, puede que se te ocurran que es peligroso utilizar Netflix puesto que revelará a los demás el type of content que ves. Pero este no es el caso. Si Netflix ha ingresado esta característica, ha venido con su solución además. Netflix ha proporcionado un método con el cual usted puede quitar el video de la sección Continuar viendo si no quiere mostrar ese video a ninguna otra persona.
Below is the point-by-point procedure to remove an item from the «Continue viewing» section on both phones and notebook PCs.
How do I delete items from Continue Watching on Netflix?
Remove item from continue watching section on Netflix on mobile devices
The app Netflix es compatible con las plataformas iOS y Android. Del mismo modo, todas las plataformas móviles soportan la eliminación de elementos de la sección «Continuar viendo» de Netflix. Todas las plataformas, ya be iOS o Android o cualquier otra plataforma, siguen el mismo procedimiento para quitar el elemento de la sección de continuar viendo.
To remove items from the Continue Watching section of Netflix on mobile devices, follow these steps:
1. Enter the Netflix account where you want to remove the post.
2. Click the More icon that is enabled in the lower right corner of the screen.
3. At the top of the screen, different accounts will appear.
4. Now, click on the account for which you want to remove the post.
5. The details of the chosen account will open. Click on the Account option.
6. Se abrirá una ventana del browser dispositivo móvil y será redirigido al sitio dispositivo móvil de Netflix.
7. Scroll down until you reach the option to view the activity. It will be at the bottom of the page. Click on it.
8. A page will appear containing all movies, shows, etc. what have you seen.
9. Click the Action icon next to the date, which is enabled in front of the item you want to remove.
10. Instead of that item, you will now receive a notification that within 24 hours, that video will no longer be displayed on the Netflix service as a title you have watched and will no longer be used for recommendation purposes.
After completing the steps above, wait 24 hours, and after 24 hours, when you revisit the Continue Viewing Later section, the item you deleted will no longer be available there.
Also read: 9 ways to fix the Netflix app that doesn't work in Windows 10
Remove item from continue watching Netflix section in Desktop Browser
You can run Netflix in your desktop browser for a better experience. The desktop browser also supports removing items from the Netflix "Continue Watching" section.
To remove items from the Netflix "Continue Watching" section in the desktop browser, follow these steps:
1. Enter the Netflix account where you want to remove the post.
2. Select the account for which you want to remove the post.
3. Click on the down arrow, which is enabled next to your profile picture in the upper right corner.
4. Click the Account option in the menu that opens.
5. In the Profile section, click on the View activity option.
6. A page will appear containing all movies, shows, etc. what have you seen.
7. Click the icon that looks like a circle with a line inside it, which is enabled in front of the item you want to remove.
8. Instead of that item, you will now receive a notification that within 24 hours, that video will no longer show on the Netflix service as a title you have watched and will no longer be used for recommendation purposes.
9. If you want to remove an entire series, click on the "Hide series ..." option available right next to the notification that will appear in the previous step.
After completing the above steps, wait 24 hours, and after 24 hours, when you revisit your "Continue viewing" section then the item you have deleted will no longer be available there.
Por lo tanto, siguiendo el procedimiento anterior punto a punto, con suerte, vas a poder quitar los elementos de la sección «Continuar viendo» de Netflix tanto en los dispositivos móviles como en los browsers de escritorio.